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Re: Double cross Weekend

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:24 pm
by wonger
Katie wrote:On the 2nd to last lap I caught sight of Dawn sneaking up behind me. I thought I had a decent gap still, but really started to hammer as hard as I could. I noticed she was gaining on me faster than I wanted, and by the time I got to the beach she was with 50m of me! She called out to me and I started yelling "NO NO NO NO" and tried to pickup the pace again. At the picnic tables, she was on my wheel telling me to ride "harder than I had in my life!" as she chased me for the last 1/4 lap calling instructions: "big ring" "easy gear" "kellys catching up"! I though I was going to puke and couldn't breathe, but we managed to cross the line ahead of Kelly, and I remained unlapped! How's that for an awesome teammate?
And that, in a nutshell, is 'cross. Way to go Katie! And way to do Dawn.

Re: Double cross Weekend

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:13 pm
by AdamD
Saturday i had a great race and came tenth despite crashing three times which was awesome.

Sunday I was feeling super strong riding in what i thought was 4th like Roland said (turns out it was actually 6th). I was in a group with 4 others leading them around the course and by the last lap i had managed to drop all but Andy Pitre, then on the left hander on the decent after the single track climb i went down hard and screwed up my break, managed to get passed by all those other guys and one more and ended up 12th. Even though I didn't get a great result at least i know i can be right up there from now on.

Re: Double cross Weekend

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:53 pm
by BearPope Recruit
Wow, what a great crosstume cycloween weekend! Just want to say thanks to everybody who came out and participated, cheered, volunteered and supported CotR! Kudos to Katie & Roland for getting results done and posted so quickly. Sylvan for doing timing. Hugh even watched Wonger's kids so he could race. Jeremy & Michael were out cheering (even on the warm up!) and taking photos. Barry on setup. And many more ~ baby blue was out in full force!

Both races were definitely more cardio than technical this weekend with some crazy life-sucking grass. I thought Wonger might have shed a few tears over the lack of muddy corn fields this year for his 2010 debut. Saturday there was a short sandy section that became shorter as the race went on and the tide on the Gorge came in. One set of stairs. Lots of slippin' and slidin' on the grass, making for some good entertainment. Sunday was fun as being in costume adds a whole new element to racing. People were overheating much quicker wearing rain ponchos, wigs, feather boas, and fish heads. Kudos to Dawn Anderberg (OBB) again on Sunday for letting me sneak in just ahead of her to get the "last but not lapped" honour and privilege of riding one more lap.

As for getting hurt/injured, I think 'cross racing is the most forgiving compared to mtbing or pack riding. Generally much slower speeds involved (too many twists & turns) and the surfaces (grass, sand) are softer than pavement or rocks. No traffic. And less people around and not as close so they have more reaction time to avoid you if you go down unlike pack riding.

Also great party hosted by ProCity/ Trek Shop on Sat night. Too bad VCX is over. Some very interesting & creative costumes. Us TS'ers made good wallflowers. We might have a thing or 2 to learn before the Christmas festivities...

Next race is Port Alberni, sounds muddy & steep... Nov. 11th. Hope to see you there! That means you have 8 days left to plan your revenge Wonger!


Re: Double cross Weekend

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:52 pm
by Roland
Roland wrote:An impressive performance from Russell Anderson had him finishing 13th in expert men riding an early 90s mountain bike complete with aerobars and a rack on the back. Just goes to show, it's not about the bike.
13th. In expert. On this thing.


Re: Double cross Weekend

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:58 pm
by Lister Farrar
Roland wrote:
Roland wrote:An impressive performance from Russell Anderson had him finishing 13th in expert men riding an early 90s mountain bike complete with aerobars and a rack on the back. Just goes to show, it's not about the bike.
13th. In expert. On this thing.

What was his costume meant to be? Me?

Re: Double cross Weekend

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:30 am
by Roland
Lister Farrar wrote: What was his costume meant to be? Me?
Super Commuter I think.

Awesome video from the weekend: