Hurricane Ridge August 22nd

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Stéphane Tran
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Hurricane Ridge August 22nd

Post by Stéphane Tran »

The ProCity folks are heading over to Hurricane Ridge this Sunday. Is anyone planning on going over? I am still undecided but if the weather is good and/or if there is a contingent of Tripleshotters I just might go.
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Re: Hurricane Ridge July 22nd

Post by sylvan »

I still have the walk on plus bike ticket for the Coho I bought off Ian for July 1, but as of tomorrow I'm out of town 'til mid-September. If the weather isn't too horrendous by then I'll probably try a desperate end-of-season effort to get over there and do the climb. Maybe a last-minute tune-up for the Willis Point hill climb. So I can't do Sunday but I do have a barking mad plan for a ride on Monday that will make up for my missing V2N2V and Hurricane Ridge all-in-one. If anybody's in Kelowna, let's ride!
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Re: Hurricane Ridge July 22nd

Post by shawnc »

Sylvan, I am jealous that you'll be riding in Kelowna. I lived there until I was 20 and did some cool rides up Glenmore Road past Okanagan Centre into Carrs Landing. At the time I thought 70 km was an earth-shatteringly long ride. I had so much to learn!

What sort of rides do you have planned there?

Oh yeah, and eat at the Mad Mango downtown if you're looking for a delicious and cheap meal :)
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Re: Hurricane Ridge July 22nd

Post by sylvan »

shawnc wrote:What sort of rides do you have planned there?
I was thinking Westside Rd. on Saturday (2-3 hours free in the afternoon), Pennask Summit on Monday (shudder), Glenmore/OK Centre/Carrs on Tuesday. Then I'm in Penticton for two weeks. Apex Alpine, Antichrist Summit, Ironman route, etc. Then Banff/Canmore from Sept 9-12. Anybody know a good 120 km route out that way?
shawnc wrote:Oh yeah, and eat at the Mad Mango downtown if you're looking for a delicious and cheap meal :)
Cool, thanks! Haven't tried it yet, but will. Bean Scene on Bernard makes a good proper cappucino, too, so it'll be good times.
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Re: Hurricane Ridge July 22nd

Post by Roland »

You mean August 22nd, not July 22nd of next year? I've edited the title.
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Kevin F
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Re: Hurricane Ridge August 22nd

Post by Kevin F »

I plan on going on the Hurricane ride this Sunday. I believe Brad will be going as well. I am hoping for anything better than July 1st! :|
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Re: Hurricane Ridge August 22nd

Post by Marcus »

I'm willing to go because:
(a) July 1 wasn't cold or wet enough,
(b) V2N2V didn't have enough elevation gain,
(c) I'm insane,
(d) TS rocks,
(e) all of the above.
Paul C.
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Re: Hurricane Ridge August 22nd

Post by Paul C. »

I may go to HR ride depanding on the weatherpersons report at 5 a.m. Sunday morning....if I go and anyone else wants to stay down til 3 or 6p.m. for more miles, lunch, shopping etc....I would. May see you Sunday. Paul C.