Caleb Pike May 12

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Caleb Pike May 12

Post by Quentin »






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'Nuff said.
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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by Roland »

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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by steve »

Wow Quentin,

You got it way worse than me - seems everyone wiped out today. The B ride was good - big group and most of us held on to the very end for the sprint. Adam and Bryan both got points in their first race with the assistance of the veteran Lister who came in seventh - congrats guys. Sean and Matteo also looked to be in the thick of things until a wipeout towards the end of the race. Looks like Gavin and Josh had strong races, keeping pace with a very quick A race.

I was able to stay in the thick of things until the final sprint when somebody got his back wheel hit and he came across and hit me. I in turn hit someone else and we both went down. The good news was everyone came out healthy although it was a little disappointing to work that hard and come away with nothing.

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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by Josh.E »

How are you feeling Quentin? Anything really hurt or bruised bad beyond all the road rash? How'd your slackers kit make out? I was in the lead A pack coming up behind you when your tire blew, sounded like a gunshot. Did it roll off the rim?

I had a good race tonight. It was a fairly quick A pack, maybe slightly slower than two weeks ago, but close. Lots of slowing down, then hard accelerations, then slowing down. A couple of guys, including Emile, did way more than their share of work at the front. I just tried to stay within in the first 10 riders to avoid the elastic band effect in the corners. I even took a couple turns leading the group, and bridging gaps. My confidence is definitely increasing.

Caleb is all about positioning into the final downhill. If you are top 5 or so coming into the transition to the uphill sprint, you have a chance at the win, otherwise you are going to get stuck in the group. I started down the last downhill about 10th place, and decided it was time to start burning matches to get a better position, so I did a big pass of about 6 guys on the outside coming down the hill, and came into the start of the sprint in 3rd place. Unfortunately, the effort of getting around into position started to hurt me in the final kick up the hill, and I got passed back by 1 or 2 guys. I think I ended up 5th place.

pics are up: (check out rolands finish.....awesome :lol: ) ... 5544_bjXNm
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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by Katie »


Hmm... there is a resemblance.
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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by jeremy »

Here's my race report, got there nice and early (thanks to Rita for driving) and found out that they were going to try out a first ever "C" group which sounded just great to me so I signed up, I found out later that Mike Lawless also signed up for the C group, I imagine what happend after that was everybody else who was going to ride C, saw mine and Mikes names and got scared, and signed up for the B group instead (can't say that I really blame them :wink: ) So I was informed at the starting line that I got upgraded. This week felt better than the last couple of Caleb races even though I didn't quite have all of my legs (note to self- don't do the Tripleshot A ride on Tuesday if you don't want sore legs on Wednesday), I think I was doing about 5 or 6 min lap times, and when I did get lapped by the B pack I managed to climb on the back of the group and stay with them for awhile. I didn't see any of the carnage first hand last night but I did hear Quentin's tire blow from the other side of the course (hope your feeling goodish today). Saw the A group Finish, which was super exciting, Josh was in 7th (I think) coming up the last hill sprint, then he looked over at the guys next to him and intimidated them all with his awesome green framed glasses, and out sprinted them to the finish. And it was great to see Gavin right there in the final sprint, 12th place??. Lots of fun, and a great Tripleshot showing last night, congrats to Lister's kids for doing a great job in their first race. See you all @ Newton next week (i'll just be cheering for that one)

Last edited by jeremy on Thu May 13, 2010 8:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by Josh.E »

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by steve »

Thought some of you might be able to use this link: ... %20ABC.pdf
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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by Quentin »

Thanks steve, but the pdf doesn't work for me (says it's corrupt).

This one seems to work:
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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by Rolf »

Way to go, TripleShot! I'm especially impressed by Adam and Bryan kicking arse in their first race. Get those guys some jerseys!

Happy healing to those who need it...
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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by shawnc »

While I was super bummed about not finishing the race, especially with less than one lap to go, the important thing is that Matteo didn't get hurt after we tried to occupy the same space. My derailleur hanger is now back where it should be so all is well with the world. Plus, John T was kind enough to give me a lift home and he is a really cool guy to talk to.

See you all tomorrow morning!
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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by JohnT »

It turns out that I am a B+, not an A. After four, maybe it was three, laps I couldn't hang on to the A train. I lost them on the false flat, which means it's time to get more power. The B group caught me after riding for three or four laps alone. I rode at the back for a few laps (not wanting to influence their race) and then did the three extra laps after the B finish alone. Not so exciting. But the story's not quite over.

During the last half of the last lap (I'd been alone for three laps at this point) Jeremy, while riding backwards along the course after finishing his race, says "Roland's just ahead, you might catch him....... really".

While going down the steep hill that sling-shots racers into the steep uphill I see Roland, lollygaging his way up to the finish line. Jeremy was right! I tuck for the decent, hammer up the climb and, with a giddy, stupid, gleefull, burst of energy, I fly past him and say - "You shouldn't have stopping trying". Then, half way up the hill, my left foot unclips. Not quite enough momentum to reach the top. Roland sees this and starts trying! Did you see that look on his face at the line. That's the face of a guy who's been given a second chance and ain't going to miss the opportunity.

Two lessons: Don't give up, you might not be last afterall. Don't celebrate until you cross the line.

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Re: Caleb Pike May 12

Post by AlW »

The race was interesting to say the least. I managed to stay with the main pack for the duration while also avoiding the extra-curricular activities, so I'll have to call that a successful night.

I found the final sprint to be somewhat chaotic, so in an attempt to avoid any trouble, decided to sit up and cruise to the finish. Alas, found myself with a front row seat to the crash on the final climb to the finish. Not really sure what happened. All I remember seeing is Tim Nason, Steve and someone else hitting the deck. Good to see everyone involved was ok and good to go for next week at Newton Heights (which I suspect will be a tad less exciting :( )