Long Post Alert!
I am organizing the Victoria Health and Wellness Fair which will be a community engagement event for the Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society (VIRCS). I have been on their Board of Directors for about 10 years...
The date of the event is August 20th... yes the same date as Tour De Victoria, I do not have control over the date so there is no use in complaining about that to me ha ha! So any of you who can put that detail aside please read on to check out the amazing progress we have made so far, and take some time to investigate the interesting possibilities for Volunteering or participation. There are endless possibilities where the club could offer real benefit and give in a meaningful way to people not yet familiar with the club.
The main goal of this event is to provide a welcoming event where the clients of VIRCS can mingle in a relaxed and safe environment with large groups of people who do not identify as newcomers. It will be a One-Day-Fair on the 1000 block of North Park Street with a focus on Health and Wellness. This Fair will focus on all aspects of Health and Wellness including Mental Health. We expect to have all forms of indoor and outdoor physical activities, diet, healthy household products, along with all forms of Mental Health and Wellness such as positive psychology, counseling, personal growth showcased in one form or another.
There will be a trade show section where local purveyors of health and wellness products can sell their products or services. At the other end of the Fair we will have volunteers giving demonstrations of different physical activities focused on Health and Wellness at an information resource section. (bicycle riding and maintenance lessons, yoga lessons, Running workshops, positive psychology lessons, etc). In this section of the fair there will nothing for sale, only representatives and literature about all forms of Health and Wellness where individuals can meet with a health and wellness expert and ask questions. In between these two areas we will have an international (and healthy) Food Fair, this will be awesome.
I have already done a tremendous amount of background work for the event, and we are now at a point where things are becoming well defined. We have raised over $10,000 for facilitation so it will be a sizable event as it stands, but I am still raising funds... I imagine it will be a pretty cool day to be a part of. I have begun approaching large numbers of community partners and participants. Currently we have had commitments of participation from:
BDHQ-Body Dynamics
2% Jazz Coffee
Family Services of Greater Victoria
Oddfellows Victoria
Cycling BC
North Park Bikes
North Park Community Association
Alasaly Law
We are also pretty sure BC SPCA will be there hosting an adoption clinic... you now... puppies and stuff, super cute and fun for kids!
We have our website up and running at www.victoriahealthandwellnessfair.com We also own the .ca domain but it is not running yet, should be up soon... the .ca domain will help with SEO and location identification with google.
Our Facebook page is:
It would be great if you could like the page to get it a bit more recognition from Facebook, the Instagram account is still in the works... Christina is working on that now.
At this point we are most interested in finding people to volunteer and for people to spread the word about the trade show, the spaces are $500 each and I believe that is affordable compared to other way-less-cool events

Call me any time with questions... Aaron 250-361-6986