Prospect Lake Road - opportunity for input

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Prospect Lake Road - opportunity for input

Post by shawn »

Hi all,
As many of you know, I've been pretty involved in advocating for safety for vulnerable road users in Rural Saanich in general, and on Prospect Lk. Rd. in particular. As a result of a study done last year, there have been/will be a couple of changes implemented in 2020 as a Pilot Project:

* a one-lane section near Calvert Pond (in place)
* a centreline rumble strip for the 1200m South of Munn Rd. (in place)
* proposed reduction in speed limit from 50kph to 30kph along the stretch of road by the lake. (not yet in place)

Prospect Lk. Rd. is designated as part of Saanich's Bicycle Touring Route. There are posted signs leading cyclists to the road, and one sign at West Saanich indicating that PLR is the way to go to get to the Galloping Goose Trail. The general consensus, though, is that the road has seen such an increase in traffic volumes and in aggressive driving over the past decade that it is quite dangerous for people on bikes. Most people I know pick and choose their times to enjoy riding this road. Those of us who live here don't have that option and are often forced to drive our bikes to a safer starting point. Neighbours of mine who are less confident on bikes just don't ride, although they would like to. They don't let their kids or teens ride from home.

Saanich's Director of Engineering is going to be presenting a supplemental report to Council at a special meeting on Oct. 19th at 7pm. At this meeting, members of the public will be able to join in remotely (not in person). All meetings are streamed live at I have copied the email I received about this meeting at the bottom of my post.

Saanich residents are invited to share their opinions of measures taken so far to calm this road by sending an email to, by registering to speak at the meeting, or by calling in during the meeting. All submissions must be in to Saanich by noon on Oct. 19th.

If you live anywhere in Saanich, I would appreciate it very much if you would provide some input to Saanich about making PLR (and other rural Saanich roads) safe for people on bikes.

Thanks so much!

Here is the email from Saanich:

Good afternoon,

As you have previously expressed interest in this item, please be advised that

This email is notification that the supplemental report from the Director of Engineering for the Update on Speed Limit Reduction Pilot Project will be considered by Saanich Council at a Special Council Meeting, to be held on Monday, October 19, 2020, in Council Chambers, Saanich Municipal Hall, 770 Vernon Avenue, commencing at 7:00 p.m.

As per the Order of the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Emergency Program Act, Ministerial Order No. M192, public attendance at the meeting is not required. Due to COVID-19 measures, Saanich is unable to accommodate the public for meetings while maintaining the limits on large gatherings. Therefore, you will not be able to attend the meeting in person.

We encourage residents to submit their support or opposition in writing to

Correspondence may be submitted for inclusion in the meeting agenda and should be received no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the day of the meeting. All correspondence submitted will form part of the public record and may be published in a meeting agenda.

· Send your comments to Council by emailing

· Mail your comments by post to Legislative Division, District of Saanich, 770 Vernon Avenue, Victoria, BC V8X 2W7.

· Leave your written comments in the drop box by the main door at Municipal Hall, 770 Vernon Avenue.

Alternatively, you may register to speak by telephone at the meeting by:

· Emailing the meeting date, agenda item you wish to speak to, and your phone number to; or

· By calling 250-475-5501 and specifying which meeting date and agenda item you wish to speak to.

The deadline for registration is 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the day of the meeting.

An opportunity to phone in during the meeting will be available, please watch the web stream for details. All meetings are streamed live on

The report and agenda package will be available for viewing at: ... nutes.html as of October 15, 2020.

If you have any questions with respect to meeting procedures, please contact the Legislative Services Division at 250-475-5501 or by email to

Thank you for taking an interest in shaping Saanich.


Megan MacDonald

Committee Clerk Assistant

Legislative Services Division

District of Saanich

770 Vernon Ave

Victoria, BC V8X 2W7

t. 250.475.5501 | 3504 internal


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Re: Prospect Lake Road - opportunity for input

Post by shawn »

Please contact me if you'd like any more information about this issue, including comments submitted to Saanich by local advocacy group, Livable Roads for Rural Saanich.
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Lister Farrar
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Re: Prospect Lake Road - opportunity for input

Post by Lister Farrar »

Awesome advocacy Shawn.

I sure hope that $100 million interchange at Mackenzie gets the cut through traffic off these side roads.
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And I hope you like jammin', too."
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Re: Prospect Lake Road - opportunity for input

Post by shawn »

There were a couple of letters from TSC members in the correspondence for this topic, and I thank you so very much for the support!

The meeting was to approve a pilot project for a 40kph speed limit on residential roads in Saanich - roads with no painted centre line. The motion was passed.

This will not affect roads like Prospect Lk Rd and other rural residential roads that have a centre line, so advocacy is still very badly needed. While Council decided not to include Prospect in this pilot, they have the power to amend the speed limit through a bylaw, so we need to keep pressing for this to happen. I can tell you, as a resident of the south end of Prospect, the changes made so far (one-lane pinch point at Calvert Pond, rumble strip sound of Munn) are not improving the safety for cyclists on the road.

Prospect Lk. Rd. is designated as a "collector" road but it does not physically meet the minimum standards for this designation. I have counted upwards of 500 cars per hour past my driveway during the morning or afternoon rush. The speed and volume of car traffic discourage people on foot or on bikes at a time when we need to actively encourage more people to get out of their cars.

The police tape still hangs from a tree in the spot around the corner from my house where a man died last year yet nothing of real significance has happened, or is planned, to prevent more injury or to encourage people to ride and walk safely on this road.

Feeling like we need a bit of "critical mass" action soon :)
