Limited Reopening Begins Tuesday

Club activities and announcements

Moderator: mfarnham

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Limited Reopening Begins Tuesday

Post by mfarnham »

Hey folks,

The Exec has voted to reopen group rides this week, with a limited offering for the first week. We’ll hold morning rides Tuesday and Friday and Women’s Rides on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning. At this point we’re not planning to offer any other rides this week. If things go smoothly, we’ll have more ride offerings next week.

Important: You cannot just show up and ride. You must pre-register for a specific group on Spond and you must carefully follow instructions and safety protocols. Our ability to offer group rides during the pandemic hinges on *everyone* being exceptionally diligent and careful. Otherwise, we’ll need to shut down again. Riders who “drop in” without pre-registering will have to ride solo. Do not try to join a group you have not pre-registered to ride with.

Please carefully follow the instructions in the email you received on Saturday June 13. The content of that email is also posted here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9183

In order to enforce the requirement that everyone sign the Covid Self-Declaration (see link above) I will be restricting the ability of non-declarers to sign up for rides on Spond as of 5pm this afternoon. This doesn’t mean your Spond account is broken. It just means you need to get your ducks lined up before you can use it again. When you send me your Covid Self-Declaration receipt, I will restore your access to Spond (as soon as I reasonably can).

There will be a deadline (8:00pm Monday) to pre-register for the Tuesday morning ride this week. A similar deadline may apply to the Friday ride. That’s to prevent people from waiting until 10pm the night before to send in their Covid Declaration receipt or to sign up for Spond. As the chaos diminishes, we’ll get more relaxed about things like having pre-registration deadlines. If you sign up for a ride and then determine that you can’t make it, please do your ride leader the courtesy of removing yourself from the ride. This will make attendance-taking easier and open up space for others. And please don’t wait until 7:59pm on Monday to send me your covid declaration receipt.

Key Safety Measures/Requirements on Tripleshot rides:

*You must self-assess before every ride. Ask yourself:
Do I or anyone in my household have any cold or flu-like symptoms?
Have I been in close contact with someone with cold or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days?
Have I or anyone in my household travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes” you are required to stay home.

*Everyone is expected to be familiar with the Cycling BC and Tripleshot safety protocols. ... ressed.pdf

*You may not ride in a group without pre-registering.
*You may not drop back from your group and join another group, because you are not pre-registered to ride with them. Registering for more than 1 group is not permitted.
*You must carry hand sanitizer.
*You must maintain 2m distancing at the meetup, while moving on the bike, at stops, and at the end of the ride. There is an exception for situations where it might be unsafe to stay 2m away (for example, when passing).
*Cycling BC defines 2m distancing as 2 meters from seatpost to seatpost.
*No touching other riders.
*Fix your own mechanicals; carry your own tools/tubes/air.
*Do not share food/drink on ride.
*Practice social distancing at coffee. Be sensitive to others in or near coffee shops. Keep crowd size down—move onto another coffee shop if the gathering gets too large.
*Sanitize hands or wash with soap and water before handling food and beverage.
*Do not handle other people's food and beverage at coffee.
*Follow these rules and kindly help those around you follow these rules.

Some Q&A:

Q: I want to ride in groups smaller than 10. Can Tripleshot set up some smaller size groups, so that I feel more comfortable?
A: Yes. Just ask.

Q: I have been riding with a fixed group of people, to limit my potential for exposure because I have someone close to me who is immunocompromised. Can Tripleshot set up a ride that is specific to my pod so that we’re covered under the club liability insurance when doing a ride on the Tripleshot weekly schedule?
A: Yes. Just ask.

Q: Do I have to be a Tripleshot member to participate in these rides?
A: No, though you must be a Cycling BC member. Tripleshot has a reciprocal agreement with other clubs in town that allows members of one club to do up to 10 rides a year with another club. This still applies. We reserve the right to revoke that privilege if, for example, communication becomes a problem. So pay attention to the forum for important safety/procedure announcements if you’re not on our email list.

Q: I have a friend who wants to try out Tripleshot. Can I bring them out?
A: They must be a Cycling BC member (no try-outs during the pandemic, unfortunately), and they must be on the Spond app and must pre-register like everyone else. Don’t just bring a friend along. Do note that all new Cycling BC memberships from this date forward will include a Covid Self Declaration.

Thanks for your patience and cooperation. This is all quite doable if everyone pitches in and does their part. Looking forward to riding with you.

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Re: Limited Reopening Begins Tuesday

Post by wonger »

Hi Martin - I have the Spond app and use it for my kid and the youth team. How does one find and/or use it for the regular club? I can't seem to find TS on the app itself...
AJ Neale
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Re: Limited Reopening Begins Tuesday

Post by AJ Neale »

Hey Geoff,

You just need to enter the Tripleshot group code ( WDMPE ) and go from there, but you will need to do the declaration thing first ( see Martin's notes ).

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Re: Limited Reopening Begins Tuesday

Post by Plawless »

And look for Andrew's new podcast out Thursday - "The Tech Savvy Cyclist". Its sure to be a hit ;)
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Re: Limited Reopening Begins Tuesday

Post by Rolf »

After a long nap, new Tripleshot membership registrations have started to trickle in again (14 in the last week or so):


As we resume riding together and new members come on board, now is a good time to either submit a profile for the Member Directory, or to visit your existing profile and send me any updates. This link will tell you how.

Knowing faces and names enhances everyone's group ride experience, but it's extra important now that we have ride hosts recording attendance. Thanks for playing along!