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Sidney Tuesday TT permanently cancelled

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:25 am
by Gerry L
I noticed the Sidney Velo cycling club will no longer run the long standing Tuesday evening TT during the summer months due to retirement of volunteers. A few Tripleshoters and juniors have been regular competitors in these events.

Will miss these "fun" events. Any ideas re alternatives?


Re: Sidney Tuesday TT permanently cancelled

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:25 am
by Lister Farrar
Sidney Velo did an outstanding job on this event over the decades. Thank you to Ian, Larry, and others who stepped up every week, kept the stats, and hosted the awards dinner at Christmas. Winning the season long competition was a highlight for many TS youth riders. I sure hope someone can take it over. Jon Watkin was considering. Maybe with help?

I'm sure youth families would be interested in helping, while they watch their bairns, but would need a lead who knows the event.

For those who haven't done it, it's a unique form of racing. One of the fast locals, TSr Emile de Rosnay put it well when he said it was surprisingly intellectual process (he can say that as a UVic philosophy prof). The gearing, aero position, and above all the mental game to push, without blowing up, certainly took me several tries each season to get it right. And unlike most other forms of cycling, you get objective feedback on your effort via your time.

There is the entertaining wormhole of aero benefits, but balancing that is the deliciously Luddite balance that bending your elbows, flattening your back, wearing stuff that doesn't flap, will get you 95% of those. Eg, youth coach Sam winning the elite Merckx category with zero aero gear.

Sidney also had a nice TSish organization with a lot of small jobs, and socializing together after they organized. True, there's a bit of, uh, antici pation, while road bureaucrats decided each year on a permit, but that's pretty safe after 30+ years. (re the Rocky Horror reference; no cross dressing required. But welcome if that's your thing.) Might be a good safety feature?

Maybe ride out, marshal, ride home, and a beer?