Happy New Year! Renew your 2023 Membership today!

Club activities and announcements

Moderator: mfarnham

Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2020 8:27 pm

Happy New Year! Renew your 2023 Membership today!

Post by CHenderson »


Happy New Year, Tripleshotters!

Here's a 20-clip video showcase from our many rides and special events over the past year. When you take all these events, together with our huge number of regular weekly rides, and the always-busy Youth Team: we are one hopping busy cycling club!

With 2023 upon us, you now need to renew your Tripleshot and Cycling BC memberships to join our rides. If you sign up before January 16, you will save $13 on your Cycling BC membership before their recently member-approved fee increase kicks in. Here's the link to sign up for 2023.

A couple of notes about renewal: there are separate waivers for Cycling BC and Tripleshot and some of it may seem repetitive. We're asking again on renewal what Spond sub-groups you'd like to be in and we'll be changing Spond profiles over the next few months. You can always ask a Spond Group Manager any time to make changes to these elections.

In a month or two, we will start deleting non-member Spond profiles. You'll have plenty of warning and opportunity to renew before we do!

Have a safe and healthy 2023. Let's go make some more great memories!

The Board.