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Observatory hill Lights (fwd)

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 10:21 am
by Mikael
Hello All,

I am fielding a ton of questions about the traffic control lights on the hill for the construction area. Here is the explanation.

The lights are on a timed sequence, they are NOT ON A SENSOR. This means you will have to WAIT till the light turns green. The sequence is 20 seconds green light, 2 minutes red both directions, then 20 seconds green in other direction. This means that you could wait up to 4.20 minutes if you get there as it turns red. This is timed for cyclists to make it through safely. And yes cyclists are to obey the lights as well.

I have already had a bunch of people say that they were passed by vehicles and cyclists as they were stopped and waiting for the light to turn green. THIS IS NOT OKAY! For everyone’s continued safety please adhere to the light system.

Walkers will need to be aware of their surroundings and walk in the ditch on the far left or move over as a vehicle approaches. Cyclists consider yourself a vehicle and ride in the centre of the lane and be very visible. But most importantly obey the light sequence.


Derek Mann

Site Operations Supervisor

Real Property Planning and Management / Planification et de getion de biens immobiliers
National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
5071 W Saanich Rd, Victoria, BC V9E 2E7
Government of Canada / Gouvemement du Canada
Phone 250 363 0004 \ Fax 250 363 0077 \ Cell 250 888 1093 \