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GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:50 am
by JamesB
Is this really a “Safety” related topic … not entirely sure, but willing to explore the possibility.

Some of us apparently favour the high volume of “nonsense or whimsical” (insert adjective of your choice) contributions vs some who choose to speak up (with the written word) because they may prefer to avoid any form of “debate or confrontation” (adjectives of your choice again here) perhaps especially in person, early mornings or even online. That part seems obvious.

The less obvious part is what about the other 90-95% of members who have made (due to a lack of awareness or deliberate avoidance) almost zero posts on the Forum … does their opinion matter less as if we only measure the loudest voices or “the blow-back” from the longer-term members?

Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:20 am
by Rolf
Here, James. I did the math you left off… :wink: I’m obviously all for whimsy and nonsense.
But I’m also for safety posts and discussions. Don’t let that dastardly Johnny Tyre distract you from your crusade!

And from one man who buys his ink by the barrel to another, maybe a little whimsy (and brevity) would bring a few more disciples along for the ride?

Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 12:45 pm
by JamesB
Well if you wanna reread my posts to find the evidence, feel free but wouldn’t be something if somehow our club actively engaged the members so that I could stop being a sacrificial lightning rod for the actual discussion we’d ALL benefit from having permanent access to and use of :roll:

If just 20% of these otherwise silent or intimidated voices were actively encourage to be here or on Spond or the other community format the club might choose in the future, minus the occasional off putting remarks that can drive folks back into the “cave” it took them far too long to come out of, we might start reading and hearing a really important balance of ideas and opinions that might negate the need to pigeonhole or cherry pick someone for a specific role just to ensure this or that gets done.

I’m trying to remember the actual thread the 3 of us each successively commented about, but clearly, this club needs the hear more from this massive silent population while some of us with the big annual numbers maybe take a closer listen.

Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:35 pm
by Rolf
Here's what you screenshotted, JB.

Getting a bit off-topic, but it's a worthy discussion. I don't think silence on the forum has much to do with intimidation or people who read but are reluctant to participate. Otherwise our forum post views would not be so incredibly low. We still have a few forum lurkers but the reality is that a significant majority of the club has never come here and likely never will. The experiment of trying to get back to the forum has largely failed.

I think it's mostly because this user interface sucks. Members under 35 think the forum is some sort of fax machine.

Members also have no choice but to use Spond to participate in the club. And most members just want to ride bikes, not talk about riding bikes. So we may never get their eyeballs on a separate discussion platform. And then Spond itself offers such crap options for member discussions. Argh! :(

I expect next year's board to take further concrete steps toward improving our communications options!

Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:22 pm
by JamesB
Here goes … more words (not gonna make JT happy!).

Why is a Club with such remarkable talent and people so seemingly ready to action ideas that only come from or are contributed to by maybe 15 to 20% of them members?

In part RW … it would be my observation that posts like your last one essentially talk us into a circle or a blender.

I’ve personally heard multiple versions of just what you’ve said in the post above over the past many months and months. It’s the throwing of the hands up in the air saying, nope, can’t change it. Gotta be this crazy way. … But we still always seem to stop short of getting a formal survey done. If I’m not mistaken, this little poll string about taking the Forum Private earned a comment where You said to me: “You smoked me out JB.” … which I interpreted as it was your apparent “project” or “discreet way” of trying to get the club members over to the Forum … ?! (Does this sound right … ?)

In any case if this was the “experiment” you’re referring to in the above post as having “largely failed” … I have serious doubts about anyone in the general population being aware that this was in fact a formal BOD initiative to get us all over to the Forum.

… again though, it’s never supposed to be about the usual voices and loudest opinions but rather that HUGE population that remains very much unapproached and unsolicited. They would need to be engaged to yield the results we’d all like to see and move on with.

Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:38 pm
by JTyre

I get that you have a lot to say on a lot of issues that are near and dear to yourself, and all the more power to you for it. What I don’t get is why you feel so threatened by a little gentle ribbing. You would never have survived growing up with my six siblings.

Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 4:49 am
by JamesB
Ha Ha Ha … JT! 🤣🤣 I do still have your personal text you sent me 2 months ago hey … as someone who grew up with 7 siblings, that was no gentle ribbing and avoiding me at coffee is obvious - yeah. Let’s move on shall we.

Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:41 am
by JTyre

I’m not avoiding you at coffee. We ride in different circles and I very rarely see you at coffee, and then only at a distance. Next time, swing by with your cuppa. I enjoy your company.

Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:24 am
by Alan
I came to this thread hoping for insights, or at least some amusing GIFs. Alas, I am forced to quote Dwight Shrute...


Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:31 am
by Alan
I was going to suggest some high grade pharmaceuticals that James might like to try...
You know I'm a drug guy, right?


Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:41 am
by JamesB
Ha Ha … okay so that time I showed up at Cook Moka House, a few weeks ago (with my Theragun) sat down beside Larry, Curly and Moe and the 3 of you promptly got up and relocated to the tables at the other end of the patio … I guess that happens all the time right.

I’m still smiling here - I promise - and yes, I’ll try again … but for the 90-95% of members who are not on the Forum - and certainly not being actively encouraged to be here either - when GIFs get placed into what was supposed to be an otherwise exchange of important ideas about a topic that might help the club find direction from the members, they often - intended or not - cut short, punctuate or effectively terminate what might have been …

Your GIFs are almost always on the mark and hilarious but the general membership may not be able to do more than observe from the sidelines! I’m thinking it would be sooo awesome to finally hear what that huge proportion of the Club has to say and for our louder “voices” to fade to the background.

Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:42 am
by JamesB

Re: GIFs vs Word count

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:22 pm
by JTyre

I’ve been trying to gracefully exit this conversation but you unrelentingly keep coming back on the tangential subjects of GIFs and personal slights.

Your point on GIFs is well taken. Your point on personal slights is totally off-base. To me, it suggests an individual with an exaggerated view of their place in the lives of others. James, as I told you earlier, I am not avoiding you at coffee. You are just one of many members in the club that I have the pleasure of sharing coffee and casual conversation with from time to time. No more, no less.

Now go away … please.
