Call for Volunteers - The Agency Cycling Festival

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Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2020 8:27 pm

Call for Volunteers - The Agency Cycling Festival

Post by CHenderson »

Jon Watkin, the Director of the Agency Cycling Festival, has reached out with the following request. Please sign up to volunteer through the link below if you can spare some time! The event is taking place 3-5 June.

We will need marshals and help with setup for the Time Trial, Road Race, and Criterium which means coordinated support and commitment from the Victoria and Vancouver Island cycling communities. In past years, Tripleshot has always come through with volunteers for our Time Trial and we are hoping that we can count on you again this year. In exchange, we would gladly make a donation to Tripleshot Youth Cycling as we have done in the past.

We have an opportunity to come back strong after a 2 year hiatus from Covid, and showcase cycling here in Victoria and to elevate the sport to a new level.

I would very much if you could communicate to your members to help recruit some volunteers with family and friends and have them fill out the following online form: