As part of a Spring cleaning process described here, a crack team of Spond admin volunteers has begun deleting profiles of former Tripleshot members. We expect this work to be finished before the end of this coming weekend (ie. by March 27).
If you didn't see our notices on the forum or on Spond, or read the email sent to former members, you can still renew for 2022 at this link and rejoin Spond any time! We've had nearly 50 members (re)join in the last week.
Some members are discovering they could have sworn they'd renewed already, but for a variety of reasons their registrations never went through. If you find yourself in this boat, we look forward to helping you get back on the rear of the peloton and signing up for rides again in no time!
Wondering why you can't log into Spond?
Moderator: mfarnham