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Neild Rd HC - Report

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 1:54 pm
by Plawless
it was a great day for a ride! It was also a great day for a short(ish) high intensity effort. Great big bunch of Easter Eggs pounded the pedals in anger on their way to some great results. I think everyone did better than ever before (other than Pooky whosi still recovering from being smacked by a car - he was still within 30secs of last year though :shock:)

Kudos toour top 3 men Bruce and Josh whoboth went under 9' and Bigring John Taylor who was just a hair over 9' - great effort guys! Our top woman was Jen - woot woot! Also props to first time racer Geoff W. - way to go Geoff - the other races are WAAAY easier so you will have to keep at em.

As for me i was 1:02 faster this year and really pleased with that. stats are here:

I am pleased (well its more like appalled) that my 30" max was 182bpm!!! Overall average was 174bpm with Peak 5min of 181 - blech!

Re: Neild Rd HC - Report

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:36 pm
by cashman
Peter Peter Peter,

Heart rate training was so yesterday come into the future get a powermeter!!!!! :D :D :D


Re: Neild Rd HC - Report

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:42 pm
by Josh.E ... _11_10.htm

results are up

I'm already looking forward to the next time out, I went a bit too hard too early and blew up on the top 20%.
This climb is nasty that way, not like doug or the observatory, where you can just go hard and hang on to the top. Those extra two or 3 minutes really punish you if you get the pace wrong. Thanks to Dave "Spires" for riding an awesome stubborn climb, and not letting me pass him. I would've definitely been slower without him to keep me going, he out kicked me at the finish too.

Re: Neild Rd HC - Report

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:51 pm
by JohnT
The VCL is a bit like Triple Shot. People keep getting faster. I guess that's the point. It was a great day weather-wise, but my lungs still hurt. Good going Dave - a top-ten finish. Me too! I left thinking I was 13th or 14th but ended up 10th. The thrill is diminished a little by the realization that they'd scored three B's who beat me as A's. None of the B's beat Josh - great ride. Bruce is making the Triple Shot Bunny team look very good. As noted above, Peter wins the most-improved award. Gotta go, there were other great TS performances that others can report.


Re: Neild Rd HC - Report

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:46 pm
by Roland
I must say, I like Josh's glasses.

Re: Neild Rd HC - Report

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:51 pm
by Josh.E
Everyone in tripleshot is encouraged to wear one piece of flair. It's not mandatory, but it's encouraged.

Here's Dave outsprinting me to the finish.....

edit: cool, check out the reflection of John in the glasses.

Re: Neild Rd HC - Report

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:30 pm
by Plawless
that is fantastic - I knew those glasses were good for something other than going to a very special sort of Ball!

More report on the race here:

Re: Neild Rd HC - Report

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:39 pm
by wonger
So I never actually intended to race. Hugh and I were trying to line up sitters so we could go for a ride. When it turned out that Sunday morning would work, we thought we could head out to Neild Road and at least cheer on the triple-shotters. My failsafe was that we would surely not reach there in time to start the event since we couldn’t leave until 9:15 – 9:30 or so. Little did I know that Hugh had been up all night researching the shortest route to get there, then proceeded to hammer all the way, getting us to the registration at 10:20 – lots of time to register. Rats.

I didn’t feel any better when Jen saw me at the start line and started laughing. She made some comment about how I pick the hardest races to come out for – not the vote of confidence I was looking for. We didn’t have time to ride the route and my team mates were not very helpful with any route details (Q: Hey how many switchbacks on the course? A: Seventeen!).

Nothing like a blind ride up a steep hill with no idea how long you have to sustain it. In selling the idea everyone says that this course is a good one because it’s only ten minutes. Well it’s not. It’s twelve. And they all hurt. At least I beat the guy in the camelback. And the three guys that passed me probably felt pretty good about their effort, so there’s that.

Really though, it was a great day for riding with a big group of teammates. I’ll do it again. Just not tomorrow.