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High Mountain Monday

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:03 pm
by Plawless
Josh and Bruce S. were serving up heaping plates of pain pie. it was a great 4 hour ride with WAY more people than I expected.

Stats here:

Re: High Mountain Monday

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:38 pm
by Josh.E
yeah, that hurt.

Clever little monkeys that we are, we of course hammer up the malahat with no thought to pacing, or that we're only 600m of climbing into our 1900 for the day.
The top of the first summit in goldstream estates hurt the most, trying to keep bruce's wheel, and got my heart rate up to 190 at one point. I got to watch him slowly ride me off his wheel on the last pitch to the top when it got over 10% grade (I think i need to lose 10 more pounds or something). Manged to keep him within about 50 yards, but man that guy can sure climb.


Hey Pete, go on to the details page of your ride stats in garmin connect and enable elevation corrections. It's supposed to get rid of the elevation drift of the garmin. I have 100m or so more of climbing than you showing up.

Re: High Mountain Monday

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:02 pm
by sylvan
>>>WAY more people than I expected.

I figured on maybe 4, and we had 10 do the whole ride. Cool. The ride today was very beautiful. The team worked well to achieve an excellent result. Thank you. Thank you. Bruce, Josh and Peter awed and inspired. They are part animal and part machine..

Re: High Mountain Monday

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:03 pm
by AlW
Nasty. Right up there with that little excursion through sooke and the highlands last thanksgiving. I was thankful to make it home and still be able to walk.

Pete, Josh and Bruce didn't seem to be affected at all. Every time I saw them they seemed quite happy and not the the least bit tired :)

Final stats for me:

Elapsed: 5:50
Moving: 5:10
Distance: 126km

Re: High Mountain Monday

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:34 pm
by Brian S
What a great day--thanks all 'round. Interesting up there, as I said before, where the heck do you go at 10:00 to pick up a litre of milk? the little bit of street view on google map that was done can be rotated around to view the last pitch disappearing upwards. ... 4,,0,-7.46

Re: High Mountain Monday

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:41 pm
by Lister Farrar
Was that the Tom Simpson memorial I saw in that photo?

Re: High Mountain Monday

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:44 pm
by cashman
Yes a FUN time was had by all, but more importantly the weather held for us which was a bonus. I would have hated to come down from Goldstream Heights with the misty damp rain..........

Had a quick glance at the PT file:

I hit the interval button for the 'hat (only to the top) and Goldstream Heights (up and down):

distance 13.22 km
time 37:35
avg spd 21.05
watts 240 avg 510 max

Goldstream Heights (no ride up to the look out):
distance 10.74 km
time 34:32
avg spd 18.06 (pitiful)
watts 161 avg 564 max

distance 114.38
time 4:26:07 (actual riding) vs 5:58:48 (total elapsed time)
avg spd 25.32
watts 171 avg 803 max

Looking forward to the next time when I can bring the TT rig out :D

And if anyone is up to it I have a 1 hr 45 min run to do tomorrow should anyone want to tag along :shock:


Re: High Mountain Monday

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:55 pm
by sylvan
>>>And if anyone is up to it I have a 1 hr 45 min run to do tomorrow should anyone want to tag along

If you can wait 'til 8:15 p.m. to do it, there's an appalling group of miscreants who run 1h45' every Tuesday night from the Carey/Glanford/McKenzie area. Beer is then consumed.