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Hey. Don’t book yourself in multiple rides in spond

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:23 pm
by rduncan
I just tried to sign up for a ride tomorrow morning and they are all full. Normally I’d be fine with this but when I looked closer, some people are listed on 3 rides. On the ride I wanted to participate it, the offender was the 10th person registered but they were also on two other rides... Surely there’s a way that the app can disallow this no?

And if I’m not able to register I’m assuming there’s others in the same situation so would it not be worthwhile to add rides to allow everyone to come out who wants to?

Tripleshot used to be stress reduction. Now its stress inducing to make sure I’ve booked my rides in time before the fill up.

Re: Hey. Don’t book yourself in multiple rides in spond

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 5:30 pm
by Alan
Totally agree with you Rob. The rule with Tripleshot should be you are only allowed to book yourself on multiple rides, if you can come with proof you've got multiple personalities.


Re: Hey. Don’t book yourself in multiple rides in spond

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 5:51 pm
by mfarnham
At a glance it looks like some people are waitlisted on one ride, and signed up for another—presumably their second choice ride. When the wait list offer comes in they appear on the first ride as “awaiting confirmation “. A little patience is warranted as not everyone can be online all the time. Also, consider a friendly PM on Spond if you notice someone double booked. There’s a learning curve for all of us.
