Alternate Idea for Fridays

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Alternate Idea for Fridays

Post by Roland »

Instead of splitting the group into fragments at ash what if we do a fox and the hounds instead?

The hounds regroup at the top of ash and turn left on Torquay like usual. The foxes are the last ones up the ash hill and make sure the group is together. Once the group is together, 3 to 4 foxes take off straight along ash onto Grandview to get a bit of a head start. Then the group chases them down without dropping anybody till King George.

Then the 3 or 4 who want to go extra hard get their workout without ruining everybody else's ride.

What do you think?
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Re: Alternate Idea for Fridays

Post by leftcoaster »

I think it is an excellent idea. It provides an incentive for 'the last of us up ash' to really push and livens up the ride a little.

- David B