Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

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Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by steve »

Just got back from watching the race and I will let others fill in the details but the easter eggs had a strong showing today at Caleb Pike. Peter won and was followed by Bill and then Josh to sweep the three top spots in the B race. John, Gavin and Greg also finished in the top 8. Rita and Dave looked strong out there as well... I think some of the A`s were actually drafting off Bill and Peter on their 20 lap two man break!

Nice to see you guys hard work pay off - congratulations!

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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Rolf »

So sweet. Congrats all! Look forward to the details...
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Josh.E »

Pete and Bill went off the front right of the gun on lap 1 and stayed off the entire race. There were maybe 6 of the other guys trying to get a chase going, as Gavin, John, Greg and I just sat on, not doing any work at all to chase down our own team mates.
At that point, either they stay away, and tripleshot gets the win, or they get caught, and me, Gavin and John are completely fresh for the sprint, so things were looking pretty good for tripleshot.

I got a flat about 6 or 7 laps in, and jumped back on the pack I was with when they came around again, so I'm hoping the I'll be given a neutral lap for a mechanical....otyherwise I finished a lap down.

Anyway, after watching these other guys chasing, and hearing the splits up to Bill and Pete, I decided to try to take a flyer off the front of the chase pack, once it was pretty clear they weren't going to get caught, so I attacked up the hill to the finish line with two laps to go. I managed to stay away from the chase, and ended up about 20 seconds behind pete and bill. Those last couple laps were hard.

So, hopefully a sweep, but maybe not, depending on whether I get credit for a neutral lap.
I did, however get the mandatory bump up to the "A's" by Duane for next race for my effort, along with Bill and Pete, so no more sandbagging for us, just worlds of hurt.

So, next is the "A" race at Newton heights. Sounds like tonnes 'o fun.

PS. Big thanks to Dave for stopping to help me fix my flat.
Last edited by Josh.E on Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Rita »

Well, this was a fun and interesting experience, I have to say. It was my first road race and I didn't quite know what to expect.

1. Within a minute of the ride, I found myself in front of the pack because Peter and Bill had pulled off and Gavin made sure that they got away. Gavin then peeled off which left me in the front thinking, "What the f&%$ am I doing here in the front?" :shock: I moved to the left to let others pass, but they seemed reluctant to let me move backwards! So, the lesson I learned from that is, don't start in the front if you don't want to pull!

2. I lasted with the B group for about 2 laps before they spat me out. The problem I had was that I was in the back on the very fast downhill where I had to use my breaks because of people in the front. That slowed me down on the uphill that followed and I couldn't keep up with the pack.

3. Fortunately, one of the other ladies in the race suffered from the same fate as me and we then worked together for 3 or 4 laps. I noticed her weaknesses though and took advantage of those and managed to open a gap. On lap 5, I wondered if I should let her catch up with me as there were still 15 laps to go (officially). But then one of the A riders lapped me and I jumped on his wheel and stuck to it for a few hundred meters, enough to widen the gap and probably crush my opponents willpower. :lol:

There was another woman in the race, but she flatted in lap 3 and got very upset because she never has a flat (never say never!) and therefore she didn't have an innertube/or the intention to fix it. Suits me fine!

4. The last 3-4 laps were tough because I felt like I was going to bonk. I left my orange juice bottle at the start line -- not a good move. I kept wondering if I could stop and grab it without being caught by the other woman? I didn't know how much of a gap I had. Also, I'm not sure if that would have broken the race rules or not so I restrained myself from stopping.

5. I ended up doing 15 laps in the time the B's did 20, of which I did 10 laps by myself. I'm so used to riding in a group that I first was worried about not being able to draft of someone (as you could see in my consideration of letting the other woman catch up with me.) but I didn't find it too bad and actually enjoyed most of the race.

6. I won my first road race :P

7. Tripleshot is an AWESOME team. Every time I got lapped I could hear encouraging words from my team mates! Dave 'pushed' me up the last hill and let me have the 'sprint' to the finish line! (It was neither a real push nor a real sprint, but both felt pleasing.)

8. I had a great day! Thanks to everyone who raced or supported us! 8)
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by JohnT »

What a fun race! We talked a little about strategy before the start, but nothing was set in stone. Maybe stay together until lap eight - maybe send three or four up the road early - we'll see. Then 10 seconds into the race, Peter and Bill check out. We never saw them again. It was a fantastic move. First, it made race strategy for the rest of us clear right from the get-go: Ride easy but near the front, don't pull, and jump on the wheel of anyone who attempts to bridge. And, their move was so fast that a few hadn't realized two guys were away until about lap four.

There were one or two early attempts to bridge, but the light blue kit was always there to offer discouragement. By lap ten we began getting some info on the gap (it was about a minute). There were four or five strong guys in the pack who committed to maintaining the pace. They made a valiant effort to stay in the race, but 20 laps ended up playing into our hand - they slowed, then they tried hard for a lap or two, then they were beat. Credit to those guys - they knew the game, and instead of complaining about having to do the work, they complimented us on our ability to protect the break (during and after the race).

With two to go, Josh dug deep and motored off the front to end up 3rd. I gather he got to within 20 or 30 seconds of our break-away stars. The guy who finished 4th tried to chase down Josh. The icing on the cake was that he helped Gavin and I escape from what was left of the pack - Triple shot 1st, 2nd, 3rd*, 5th and 6th. Best 6th place I ever got.

I don't think we should be surprised to see other group assemble teams in response to this. So, it will be important for us to keep race attendance high.

Congrats to Peter and Rita.

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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Plawless »

I have to echo everyone's coments about how great it was. In particular it was FANTASTIC how we behaved as a real team. I really have to thank the Easter Eggs in the bunch for overriding their natural instincts to chase Bill and I down (which they definately could have!) Instead the played the role of teammates brilliantly. Not letting too many of the chase get to the front and themselves not pulling it all. It was great that we had talked about this sprt of thing before the race and I know they were ready to attack if Bill and I were caught.

I also really want to thank Battlin Bill Ethier for not realizing what he and I were doing until it was kinda too late for him to go back to the bunch! Also for not kicking the snot out of me on the hills (which he certainly could have). By Bill easing up on his strengths he kept me with him and together we were far stronger than we would have been solo - so lots of good learning.

Lets see what else - what a team:

1. Guys raced as a team;

2. Dave STOPPED to help Josh DURING the race - lets see any other club do that!

3. Rita kicked ass (and showed a bit of inner *fire*!)

4. We owned the podium! - really! look for Duane's photos!

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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Josh.E »

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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Roland »

Haha... have fun in A, suckers.

Couldn't you have held back just a bit? Maybe you could have stayed in B for another race or two.

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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by jeremy »

Way to go guys and gal, 6 of the top 8 and Rita wins her race. I like the picture of team tripleshot, pastels gleaming in the sunlight.
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Josh.E »

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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Rita »

Results are up too and it looks like Josh got his 3rd place! ... _21_10.htm
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Roland »

So, did Peter beat Bill? Or did Bill let Peter win?
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by ART BOY »

NICE :) good work boys - some day I'll join in!
Rita wins the home page though!

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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Lister Farrar »

Very impressive TS'rs, all. Particularly the team work. Cool.
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by cashman »

Roland wrote:Haha... have fun in A, suckers.

Couldn't you have held back just a bit? Maybe you could have stayed in B for another race or two.


Yes I agree Roland me thinks reality will hit the next race when they get their $#$$ handed to them :D :shock:
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Josh.E »

i do all 3 wrote:
Roland wrote:Haha... have fun in A, suckers.

Couldn't you have held back just a bit? Maybe you could have stayed in B for another race or two.


Yes I agree Roland me thinks reality will hit the next race when they get their $#$$ handed to them :D :shock:
I think all three of us are fully aware of the pain we have in store already. :cry:
No reality check needed.
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by gav_eaton »

At least I was smart enough to sandbag just enough to not get called up. Think I'll give it a few races before I'm dumb enough to attempt to crack the top three.

But good luck with the A Newton Heights next weekend - 25 laps is it?

HA HA SUCKERS!!!! (but good job guys - I'm just envious)
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by JohnT »

Hey Gavin,

No one will stop you from racing as an A next week :D

Also, well done first-timers greg and Luke.

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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Plawless »

for those interested. Article from IslandSportsNews:

Ona personal note I really like the author's style. it screams of eloquent panache! :wink:
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Re: Caleb Pike March 21 -Sweep!

Post by Rita »

That's funny. I guess I'm good at pretending. The author said that I stayed with the men for half of the race. Ahem, it was exactly 2 laps that I lasted in the pack. :lol: