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Friday Cross

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 5:32 pm
by wonger
Last race of the COTR season on Saturday, so I'm planning to head out for an urban spin tomorrow morning and keep the pace reasonable. I thought I would keep it local, touring Oak Bay, maybe Cattle Point, Anderson Hill and the alleys over to Beacon Hill. A few laps around there and then coffee at Shoal Point. Any takers?

Re: Friday Cross

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 6:30 pm
by mashby
Gosh, yes Geoff! But which ride? So hard to choose. Coin-toss between "easy spin" and gangrene in the morning...

Re: Friday Cross

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:29 pm
by esilnarson
I will be there this time. For real.


Re: Friday Cross

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:54 pm
by myboys
I'm in!!!!!!! (emphasis for John Fyfe!!!!!)


Re: Friday Cross

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 8:02 pm
by Ddallin
Yup, will bring towels

Re: Friday Cross

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 8:53 pm
by LouiseF
We'll be there for at least part of it....

Re: Friday Cross

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:37 pm
by LouiseF
Actually, don't expect us in the morning. Given our timing to get home to get kids up and the distance we'll likely be from home as the ride heads south, we'll ride up here in far away GH/CB.

Will miss all you guys! :(