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Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:02 am
by wonger
Here I am again, banging the drum for off-road biking! For the first time ever the CRD is considering a motion in favour of mountain biking in CRD parks. I'm writing to ask for your help in expressing support for this motion - cross riders I am looking at you as we make great use of the CRD's land on many rides.

Recently a few trails have been closed as the result of a couple of vocal people who think that biking is bad. We have an opportunity to counter this opinion and show the policy makers that there are many of us, we are growing, as is the demand, and we need places to ride our bikes.

I've seen the power of this club. We've elected Cycling BC Board Members. We've sent kids to competitions when they needed help. We've been awarded club of the year on multiple occasions. We can make a difference here if you let your voice be heard.

Here is a link to the SIMBS overview of the situation and how you can help... ... 221a26ec66

Thanks for your consideration.

Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:59 am
by mfarnham
Thanks Geoff. Just submitted some arguments in favour of more biking trails.

It's easy, y'all. Just follow Geoff's link.


Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:28 pm
by Rolf
Thanks, Geoff! Petition signed; email sent to 14 CRD Directors. Easy!

Following a link proffered on Geoff's SIMBS advocacy letter, I will also submit a delegation request to speak at the next CRD Parks & Environment Committee meeting, 625 Fisgard, next Wednesday Oct. 23, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. I intend to speak to the difference between MTB and gravel riding, and the concomitant need to have an off-road riding policy that encompasses the entire region—and not just Hartland and Harbourview.

I'm first awaiting publication of the P&E agenda (before tomorrow at 4:30) to ensure the MTB Policy motion is on their agenda. If so, I will then—before the deadline at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 21—submit my online request to speak at the Committee meeting.

SIMBS is hoping to have as many cyclists as possible stand up and speak their mind on this issue. If you can join us, here is the Committee page, on which you should be able to find the Committee agenda sometime tomorrow, and here is the page where you submit your request to speak.


Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:14 pm
by AJ Neale

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, I think this is an important opportunity to get our voices heard. I have submitted my views as an "off-road" user, as opposed to a mountain biker, I'm glad you mentioned that minor distinction. I made the point that many folks without mountain bikes enjoy trails that would be considered mountain bike trails.

Rolf: I hope you are able to speak to the committee, thank you for doing that. If you do speak ............... no accompanying GIFs!! ;)

Any more gravel types, CXers, or deluded roadies out there with a few minutes to chime in?


Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 7:05 pm
by L2R
Thanks for posting this Geoff. We (mainly my husband) have also chimed in. Very happy to hear that you can speak to the issue, Rolf. We will be en route to warmer climes but look forward to hearing how it went.

Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 5:30 pm
by wonger
Here is what SIMBS is asking people to write, plus any additional personal perspective if so desired. You can simple copy and paste this text and you are done...

"I am writing to support the motion that the CRD Parks and Environment Committee recommend that the Board approve a budget and provide staffing to strike a task force whose goal is to develop a Mountain Biking Policy for CRD Parks, within a defined timeframe."

Places to send it:

Copy and paste into the link for the CRD Board here:

Email to:

Thanks for helping out!

Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 8:45 pm
by esilnarson

Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:59 am
by Rolf
Livestream of this morning’s proceedings. It’s been *so* awesome to hear from so many passionate off-road advocates!!

Lister’s coming up... ... nt_id=1152

Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:38 pm
by Rolf
Motion passed unanimously, with only a few amendments. :D

Most Directors spoke very favourably of the general impetus to establish a task force/advisory group and develop a comprehensive policy. Differences of opinion were mostly restricted to issues of process and to what degree the Committee should defer to CRD staff on the specifics of how to move forward.

Thanks very much to #38 for raising the issue and referring us to SIMBS’s awesome, organized advocacy efforts.

Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:04 pm
by wonger
Over 100 letters received in favour of the policy, 35 speakers scheduled for the meeting today and almost 100 people in attendance to show their support for the motion. It was very inspiring to see so many take time out of their day to bolster the work SIMBS and others have done. Thanks to everyone who made their opinion heard. See you on the road, or the trail!

Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:17 am
by Ddallin
Ned Taylor send me a reply today! Glad to see that, makes you feel that the emails are important. I generally think that each one of us who sent something in is part of the bigger picture shaping trails for the future! Well done to all...
Hi David,

Thanks so much for emailing me about this. I was proud to second this motion to get it onto the floor at our Committee Meeting, as well as speak
to why it should pass. In the end it passed unanimously and I was so excited to see this process get underway.

Thank you for all the work that you do for mountain biking in our region.

All the best,

Ned Taylor
Saanich Councillor & CRD Director
250-882-6261 "

Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:39 am
by Rolf
During Wednesday's proceedings, and in his CBC interview on All Points West with Robyn Burns later that day, Mr. Taylor demonstrated that he's a natural ally and champion of cycling in CRD parks.

Unfortunately, his enthusiasm wasn't shared by every Director, with some of them not grasping the widespread range of gravel-biking, and clearly still thinking of "mountain-biking" as a niche sport, to possibly be sequestered to special-purpose areas like Hartland or Harbourview. If your Friday is really slow so far, you can watch Wednesday's proceedings here to get a feel for how CRD Directors responded to all the enthusiastic speakers from the cycling community.

This has been an encouraging start—but there is plenty more advocacy work to be done! Building relationships with supportive public office-holders like Mr. Taylor will be key.

So: good one, Dave. 8)

Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 3:35 pm
by AJ Neale
Thanks to all of you for investing some time in educating the decision makers.

How about: Get all of the directors on rental bikes from the local bike shops and take them over to the Olympic Discovery/Adventure trails for a day


Re: Bike Policy for CRD Parks

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 8:05 pm
by Lister Farrar
AJ Neale wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 3:35 pm Thanks to all of you for investing some time in educating the decision makers.

How about: Get all of the directors on rental bikes from the local bike shops and take them over to the Olympic Discovery/Adventure trails for a day

We're always trying to get CRD directors, conservation folks and politicians out to see succsful Nature Trails Society trails, to show them that good trails are part of conservation, not damaging to conservation. It's hard to get them out. I've invited Friends of Haro woods, Saanich parks, municipal councillers, etc. Only Saanich Parks staff, and Habitat Acquisition Trust staff have taken us up on it. And one private donor who immediately gave NTS $3000 after a tour.

Thinking of kidnapping them and taking them to see a trail. Hoping for the Stockholm syndrome to get me off the hook.