Sunday Otter Point - The non-sufferfest version

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Sunday Otter Point - The non-sufferfest version

Post by LouiseF »

I'm looking to do a longer ride tmrw and have been thinking of riding out to Otter Point doing a similar route to today's sufferfest ride. If anyone feels like something a little longer, a little different, for their Sunday ride, I'd love the company. I will be going early b/c of afternoon time constraints. I'll likely leave my house in GH around 630 and the direction I head will depend on whether I am meeting up with anyone so post here if you are interested and we can figure out a convenient meeting spot. Switch bridge is good but I may skip it if I'm solo.

I should also mention you will have to be able to tolerate a few stops for my falling asleep feet. The suffer-festers did this ride in just under 4 hrs so I am going to budget 5 for a solo or small ride.
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Re: Sunday Otter Point - The non-sufferfest version

Post by Rstedman »

Hi Louise
I am interested
My speed is ~24kph (c+)
If that’s too slow no problem
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Joined: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:22 pm

Re: Sunday Otter Point - The non-sufferfest version

Post by LouiseF »

Hi Roxanne,

I think with all of the climbs, the overall pace will probably be about that, although I'm aiming to work harder on the flats - probably a B ish pace. I plotted the route on strava and it estimated 5 hrs 10 mins moving time for a 25 kph pace so since I need to be home by noon, I am thinking I will leave my house closer to 6 to to give myself a bit of a buffer for foot stops, any issues and bonking.

I'm happy to meet up. Heading to bed now but I'll check in the morning for a msg. Not sure where you live but I was planning to ride to the goose via wilkinson but I can go to switch bridge, no problem.

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Re: Sunday Otter Point - The non-sufferfest version

Post by Roxanne »

Thanks Louise
I think I will be too slow and I've left it too late. Thanks for posting. Hope to ride with you some other time.
thanks again