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Sunday, June 16th - Cross Fathers Ride

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:01 pm
by schouten
Any takers for a Cross Father's Day Ride on Sunday? Weather forecast looks good!

Here's the route I was thinking of doing:

It is similar to last weeks grand loop fail but skips Testament (that's tricky riding), includes Partridge Hill (a bit unknown to me), skips most of Hartland (sorry L3), but includes Corry Access Rd, Kallie's Korner, some fast gravel in Thetis, and Electric Avenue/Line. As usual the route is up for suggestions and on-ride modifications.

This ride will serve as a test run for a friend's (OBB Wheeler) first foray into CX before we take on Dry Hill (Port Angeles) in a couple of weeks, so I hope to be able to stick to the ride approximately as it makes for a good test. As such, if you are CX curious, come on out! You don't have to be cross 😡 or a father.

Start from Fairbucks at 7:30am!


Re: Sunday, June 16th - Cross Fathers Ride

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 10:05 pm
by mashby
In. 8)

Re: Sunday, June 16th - Cross Fathers Ride

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:11 pm
by schouten
That makes three keepin' cross alive!