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Great Trail Ride: The Route, the Route, the Route is on FIRE

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 1:55 pm
by Greg F

Here's a couple thoughts on last year's route that we could consider:

1. Last year, when our smaller Grupo No. 2 did the trail, at the Glen Lake Rd roundabout, we kept left onto Parkdale, then took a right onto a trail that then leads to the Great Trail. It increases the trail/road ratio by ~0.5%;

2. If we get to Kinsol and are behind sched for Prima Strada, we can either backtrack to Shawnigan Lake rd or take a trail just on the south side of Kinsol that leads to Miner Rd then Ingot Dr then Colman Rd, Silver Mine Rd, Thain, then Shawnigan Lk Rd. Either way, its a little shorter (and I think a little easier) then Riverside Rd. I recall Riverside being a bit of a grind... Or maybe I was just getting grumpy that Prima Strada wasn't <100ft away from Kinsol Trestle...

3. If we're still behind after adding kilo's of weight at Prima Strada (which will help our downhill speed heading to the ferry), we can either go up Cobble Hill Rd to Telegraph Rd (or down the '1' to Fisher Rd/Braithwaite Dr,Telegraph Rd), rt on Kimalu, then left on Church Way (onto the sidewalk for a bit then a trail to Mill Bay Rd).

If any of the above is done and still doesn't work out or gets us hopelessly lost, its JTyre's fault. Always.

See ya tomorrow morn. Peace out.

Re: Great Trail Ride: The Route, the Route, the Route is on FIRE

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 2:47 pm
by JTyre
All excellent points, Greg.

Definitely left on Parkdale, and contingency plans are always good to have. By the time we got to the Trestle last year, Alan and Rolf were exhausted, hungry, and at each other,


From the Trestle to Pizza along Riverside will be less than 45 minutes. If at the Trestle it's any later than about 11 am, which should consider your cut-across for a 10-15 minute savings.

David A. led us to the Ferry though some trails that I would have trouble finding again. After lunch and beers, experience says that we won't want to rely on Rolf,


Re: Great Trail Ride: The Route, the Route, the Route is on FIRE

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 5:38 pm
by Rolf
That little guy’s making me sleepy.

With a couple of Attwells around, I think we’ll be hunky-dory.

But if not, I’m following the sub-mariner; he’s clearly looked at a map or two.

Re: Great Trail Ride: The Route, the Route, the Route is on FIRE

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 6:18 pm
by Greg F
Thanks for the confidence.

Mind you, visual referencing isn’t a required strong suit in subs. At best, this is what you’re looking at for 15 minutes every 6 hrs:

Never did I have to think: “We need to take a left at the next wave, then a right 3 waves later.”

<All Trails will be our guiding light>