NUBIKE - Chainless bicycle

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NUBIKE - Chainless bicycle

Post by Steven »

I honestly don't know what to think, or say!!!!
Supposedly, NuBike addresses a fundamental problem in bicycle maintenance.
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Re: NUBIKE - Chainless bicycle

Post by NickLosier »

The video is at best laughable. Junk all the way through.
I'm not going to go trough the movement part of it, but for the rest....

- Overalll drag is a function of speed (wind resistance) the drive-train contributes little to it
- Less maintenance, sure, but MUCH higher cost when parts inevitably do wear out. And you will still need to maintain the connections on the cranks.
- Failure to distinguish between power and force (twice the force due to leverage, but twice the travel distance = same power)

the "tests" they do are complete junk as well.
- The first one shows a lever in action. I am be curious to see the setup, as the cranks do not actuate the same cable. But that really doesn't matter.
- The "Race" shows nothing and is completely meaningless.

Disconnecting shifting cables to change wheels is a problem waiting to happen.
I would be shocked if that sort of bracket for the rear wheel is anything but heavy and flexy.

Interesting conversation piece, maybe if they were honest about what this thing is.
Better than a road bike it is most certainly not
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Jeremy S
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Re: NUBIKE - Chainless bicycle

Post by Jeremy S »

Marketing a mechanism similar to that of a steam locomotive as new and innovative is also, perhaps, a stretch