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What would you do (bike theft)?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:06 pm
by Gerry L
I was out for a walk on Saturday morning and passed an individual on the opposite side of the street awkwardly pulling a mountain bike with a missing front wheel. He did not look like a cyclist.

Would you:
1. confront the individual and make a citizen's arrest (is being a Marshall for a bike event a good qualification?)
2. Congratulate him on the new bike and offer a ride back to the shop to get the missing wheel
3. Take his photo for crime stoppers
4. Scold the previous owner for only looking the front wheel
5. call the SWAT team from VPD
6. keep walking
7. offer him $20 for the bike and then turn it in to the police so they can find the owner
8. some other idea??


Re: What would you do (bike theft)?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 2:53 pm
by tenmile
Yell out loudly "Hey, that's my bike"... and start running. If he doesn't drop it by the time you arrive, just keep running past him to the next bike down the road and start petting it.

I like the photo idea...

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