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Ride Stats Tuesday Feb 2

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:47 am
by Plawless
Here is me this morning:

It was a great am for me. I used and abused the big dogs to draft me through the sprints. The first sprint was a bit wonky with JT putting ina savage attack really early and teh chase beigna bit disorganized. But Sprint # 2 rocked when Gavin came over to me and said he would lead me out - and did he ever! Took me to about 75-100m to go let me know when he was done so I could get a smooth jump and that was it. It seemed like a clean (teamwork driven) win. Then as we went down Dallas after Terry Fox I told him "my turn" I thought I was suggesting I would lead him out so as Chris F and Bill E attacked I jumped their wheels expecting Gavin to be there. I planned to jump with about 500m to go (so the last flat). Instead Gavin goes tearing by like he was being chased by an angry husband. It was all I could do to chase onto his wheel. I then got a bit of rest (again) and stole the win from him in the last 50m. Max speed for me going around Gavin was 55km/h so I am feeling pretty good about that!

Re: Ride Stats Tuesday Feb 2

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:32 am
by Rolf
Now I know why my body kept me in bed until 6:15 this morning. Peter: you hit 62.6 km/h on Lap 1?!

Sigh... it's gonna take a while to catch up after this cold. Especially with these gonzo Saturdays making pros out of our A-team. :cry:

Re: Ride Stats Tuesday Feb 2

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:46 pm
by Plawless
no, that is clearly a mistake (but dare to dream!)

Re: Ride Stats Tuesday Feb 2

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:21 pm
by jeremy
Gavin goes tearing by like he was being chased by an angry husband

Re: Ride Stats Tuesday Feb 2

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:35 pm
by JohnT
The 'square' dropped between the first and second lap. Did we have an earthquake?


Re: Ride Stats Tuesday Feb 2

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:54 pm
by Josh.E
Garmins love to give different elevation readings for the same spot during rides. The more satellites is has a lock on, the more accurate its elevation reading is. The 705 is a lot better for not doing this than the 305, but it still can on cloudy rainy days, on roads with lots of tall trees.

Another trick for the garmin users is go into settings->bike profile and set the wheel size to custom and do an accurate measurement of one rotation of your wheel. The garmin then reports instantaneous speed data to you based on the wheel sensor and, at least for the 305, seems to make the updates a lot quicker and more accurate while on the road. When you have it on "auto", it's supposed to calculate your wheel sized based on gps readings, but it seems to cause your speedometer to become less accurate while you ride. I think it's going back and forth between using the wheel sensor and the gps data to calculate speed.