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Turf damage at Layritz this past weekend.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:43 am
by Lister Farrar
I got this from Saanich parks, asking about bike activities on the weekend that left damage at Layritz. Anyone heard of a group doing this? We really need to get them to not do it on baseball facilities, and especially in wet weather. Saanich is a big supporter of cycling in general, and TS specifically via CrossClub, Cross on the Rock, the Crossfondo, and in trail development. If they get pressure from other field users over damage from unauthorized activities, we could all lose access. Anyone heard who it was so we can ask them to stop?


From: Tara Judge []
Sent: November-26-18 9:20 AM
Subject: Layritz Park - cycling event this past weekend?

Morning all

Do any of you know of a group who may have held a cycling event in Layritz Park this past weekend? There were cones left and an obvious route left marked on one of our outfield baseball diamonds, causing significant damage to the turf.

We had no permits in place and I do not see any events when checking online specifically to this area, but thought you may have heard of something so we can try to follow up with whoever hosted this event.



Tara Judge

Administrative Supervisor
Parks Division
District of Saanich
1040 McKenzie Ave.
Victoria BC V8P 2L4

t. 250-475-5524
f. 250-475-5525