Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

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Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by mfarnham »

Hi Folks,

For those racing Cross on the Rock, you’ve probably noticed the Tripleshot Tent at races. The tent is funded by our members and sponsors and youth program and is primarily focused on providing support to members of our Youth Team who race at these events in large numbers. Coaches and mechanics in the tent also provide support to adults racing for Tripleshot, by helping with mechanical issues, lending tools and a pump, and offering a dry seat on a soggy day.

If you want support from the Tripleshot Tent, please wear your Tripleshot Kit to the race and in the tent.

Resources are limited and we owe it to our sponsors to show them some love by wearing their logos on the course and, especially, in the tent that they help pay for. That’s one reason to wear Tripleshot kit. Another reason to wear our kit is that Tripleshot Youth members are *required* to wear their Tripleshot kit as thanks to club members and sponsors who make race-day support possible. It sends mixed messages when the kids are told they have to wear their Tripleshot kit to receive race-day support, but then they see adult members using the tent who aren’t wearing our kit. I know the situation isn’t exactly the same, but we make the coaches’ lives easier and set a good example when we follow the same rule that we set for the kids.

Of course, the best reason to wear the kit is that it’s an awesome kit from an awesome club that we’re proud to be members of. ;)

I’m not objecting to Tripleshot members wearing other teams’ kit (or non-team kit) at the race. Many of us are members of multiple clubs and some of those other clubs race too. We’re not requiring Tripleshot members to race exclusively with Tripleshot. But if you want race-day support of the Tripleshot Tent, I’d ask that you wear the kit of the club whose tent you’re calling on for support. It helps our sponsors and it helps our coaches. And other Tripleshot racers and members love seeing you wear it. Thanks.

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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by DeniseM »

Hey Martin,

I heard about this post today and wanted to know a bit more about what precipitated it, as the initial information I heard made me scratch my head a bit. I see the points made now, but I think I’m still a little confused. Can I ask what precipitated this? Have sponsors complained? Is there finite space/resources in the tent?

I post this as someone who is a member but affiliated with other shops (and not-real “bike racing” teams), and I have never actually gone to a TS tent at a race or asked for assistance, but I would have liked to assume I could have if I needed to. Just like I guess I would have assumed I could visit any tent of someone I knew, was friends with, etc, as I usually do. Maybe I’m wrong in that, but given the number of other folks that I see do this it seems like the done thing. It’s a pretty tight knit community, and the feeling I get - with cross specifically - is that it’s a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone no matter their club/team/bike shop. If I was questioned or turned away from another tent that would leave a bad taste in my mouth for sure, and not really be consistent with how I perceive the cross community.

I don’t post this to cause any grief, but as someone on the periphery I’m really not sure this is a great policy, and if there’s a particular issue that needs addressing (e.g. lack of space - additional tent?) then maybe that should be explored. As a member of this club or any club I feel like anyone should be allowed - that’s how we advocate for the club and the sport.

I’m speaking for myself here but I heard a few similar comments today, so I wonder if this might warrant a discussion or alternative solution.
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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by BikeGuy »

This seems like a policy not in the original spirit of Tripleshot or Cross on the Rock. The whole joy of cross comes from hanging out in the tents --whatever the team, meeting your fellow competitors, lending a tool to whoever needs it -- if they are on your team or not, offering a beverage to your nemesis at the finish line.
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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by Lister Farrar »

Just curious; if we want the exec to organize the club, including soliciting sponsors who are often our members and volunteers themselves, which help support things like the rides, the events, the youth program, the tents, etc., what’s the better way to recognize them than wear the kit?

I felt a bit awkward knowing, for example, our youth program is supported by one long time club member's business, who’s main recognition is the kit, yet several members use the tents as a base for the day, wearing other kits including logos of our sponsors’ competitors. Is there a better way to recognize those supporters than the kit?

Socializing and membership in multiple clubs is desirable, and not the question here. It’s saying thanks to those who support us. We’ve debated kit sponsors many times as it’s a challenge as they change year to year and it’s a job to fit them on tastefully in proportion to their contribution. But we seem to default back to kit as the main thank you. And so apparently do the other teams and clubs. Doesn’t that say something about wearing it?
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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by Roland »

Tough thing to balance. With your current rule to make some sponsors happy you've banned other sponsors from the tent. It's tricky to not have overlap between sponsors, especially when you are a club that's sponsored by another club. Are IRC members who sponsor your club no longer welcome because they have Straight Up Cycles on their jersey? Is the Accent Inns CEO and club sponsor no longer welcome is she wears a jersey promoting her Hotel Zed brand? What about your Youth Team coaches who ride for other teams?

If you enforce this rule, you are going to alienate a lot of people who don't wear the jersey and yet still support the club in a variety of ways. Or you are going to have to make exceptions for various people you deem worthy.

Being involved in race organization, I choose to wear a jersey without sponsors to appear neutral. I donate my time to various clubs and events. Being told I'm no longer welcome to stop by the Tripleshot tent for help isn't encouraging me to continue donating my time to supporting Tripleshot.
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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by MandyFarmer »

This is my first ever TS Forum post!! Like, EVER!!

I'm a long term sponsor (Accent Inns) and I donate to TS not for the small logo on the jersey but because I like to support MY cycling club. I don't own any TS gear, and I probably never will. I don't think we should make purchasing gear part of our membership. I have a feeling if you asked the other sponsors most of them are not in it for the logo on the jersey.

I can understand making the youth racing team wear the kit (it's the same as basketball players wearing their uniforms) but not the rest of us!

EVERYONE is welcome at the Hotel Zed tent, regardless of what kit they wear or whether they are a member of a club. And it's the home of the beer fairy so there might be a beverage at the end of the day.
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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by JTyre »

Sorry Martin and Lister for piling on, but my reaction to Martin's post is very similar to Mandy's, Roland's, BikeGuy's, and Denise's.

I think it's perfectly fine to encourage members to wear their TS kit to TS events. But I don't agree with a hard and fast rule that you can't have any of the privileges that the TS tent offers without TS kit. Roland has listed a number of problems with this rule. Another one that I'll add is the situation where a family member/volunteer (I'll have four at the xfondo) would like to drop into the tent for a short visit. No kit, no enter?

I'm big on the club but not on kit. Could this be made more aspirational than prescriptive?

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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by mfarnham »

Hi Everyone,

This isn’t a rule. It’s a polite request, which you are free to ignore, but which I hope you’ll consider the merits of.

You all make thoughtful and fair points. Unquestionably part of Tripleshot’s raison d’etre is to be inclusive, and it’s fun to see everyone out there on race day, regardless of what they’re wearing. I can assure you that no one is going to be turned away if they want to drop by the Tripleshot tent and say hi, or if they need a hand with their bike. And I love love love that Mandy is friends with a beer fairy.

The purpose of my request is to boost inclusivity, not diminish it. One way that Tripleshot remains inclusive is by charging $30 a year for membership, which is substantially less than other major clubs in the province. We do that—without forcing people to buy a jersey and while providing a race-day tent to support our members—thanks in large part to our sponsors. One of the best ways to say “thanks!” back, especially if you rely on the tent for support, is to wear the club kit and give our sponsors a little love in return.

Most of us don’t really think much about what we throw on when we go to ride Cross. It’s just a way to keep warm and maybe match the mood we’re in that day. I’m encouraging people to think about the signal that wearing their club's kit sends. For our sponsors, it says "thanks". For the kids, it sends a signal that they’re part of a bigger organization that gives back to the cycling and non-cycling community in various ways. For the volunteers who cultivate relationships with our sponsors and go back each year to ask for a cheque, these choices--in some cases--affect the pitch they can make to sponsors and the ease with which they can ask a sponsor for another year of support or even an increase in support. That ultimately affects Tripleshot’s ability to subsidize group rides like Hurricane Ridge and the Big Loop Ride, discount a VCL race to encourage newbies to race, support youth in cycling, Soldier On, and women's Masters racing, provide a tent at races, fund coach training for Women’s Clinic coaches, and keep membership fees low. These things all make cycling more accessible to various people inside and outside the club, and are a great argument for wearing the kit.

I’ve heard of no complaints from our sponsors, but it seems a bit odd when competitors to our sponsors are more heavily advertised in the Tripleshot tent than are the Tripleshot sponsors who are helping to pay for the tent. I doubt that’s the signal members are intending to send. Ultimately I’m asking people to think about that when I request (not rule!) that people show our sponsors some love when...ahem...loitering with intent.

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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by John D »

Well said Martin!

For what it's worth, I can't imagine anyone being denied entrance to the TSC tent just because they're wearing another club/team's kit. As others have noted, exclusion just ain't the Tripleshot way (although I would question why anyone would join a club/team that can't provide basic race-day support like a tent and a mechanic).

As I saw it, the spirit of the original post was merely to remind people that if you're racing in another club/team's kit then, to respect our sponsors, you shouldn't make the TSC tent your home-base on race day (i.e. as opposed to stopping by to say hi, looking for a quick mechanical fix, etc).

Off the top of my head, I can't imagine any other sport that would expect otherwise.

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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by JTyre »

Hi Martin,

All true, but had you instead said "If you would like to have yet another way to show your support to TS and its valued TS sponsors then please consider wearing your TS kit to this event (if you have some)" then perhaps you'd have found no pushback.

But enough from me. It's not a rule - good. I hate rules, that's why I'm attracted to the cyclocross culture, and beer fairies, unicorns, and even wicked witches :wink:.

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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by John D »

I know, I know - that's not Mandy and that's not Geoff, but what are the odds of finding a photo of a beer fairy handing a beer to #38 in a cycling event? :wink:
Beer Fairy #38.jpg
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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by Rolf »

Man, just what's in this tent anyway? Scotch, reindeer jerky, and naked masseuses/eurs?

Maybe I should get out of the woods and start hitting cross races...

I love that this Club tends to have a big-tent mentality and welcomes virtually all comers on two wheels. I also think buying and wearing our awesome kit is good, whenever possible—and especially at any race we expect to be supported by the Club at. (Which is both an example of a dangling preposition and a bungling apophthegm.)

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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by John D »

Rolf wrote: Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:50 pm I love that this Club tends to have a big-tent mentality and welcomes virtually all comers on two wheels. I also think buying and wearing our awesome kit is good, whenever possible—and especially at any race we expect to be supported by the Club at.
Amen, Brother Warburton.

[Congrats on post 1000, John D.!]

Gee, thanks - I figured that if anyone noticed it would be you.

But back to the issue at hand...although a range of opinions have been opined, I think it's important to view the issue in its proper perspective.
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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by JTyre »

I love it when John D. is on sabbatical. More free time, google searching, and humorous posts :wink:.

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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by Alan »

I don't know how I can contribute to the Tent discussion except to post a gif that I stumbled upon while researching the inutility of digital rectal screening.

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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by wonger »

I'm so disappointed by this.

I've been in this club for nine years or so. Through all of it - VCL races, Big Loop ride, Hurricane Ridge, Solstice rides, Backpack rides, Women's clinics, three hundred official Tripleshot rides each year - I've never heard that wearing the "official" kit has been an issue. But for eight rides in the fall, in the thirteenth year of the series, it's suddenly an issue.

Policy or suggestion or whatever, this should never have been mentioned. The damage is done. If you think that me or any other member who wears kit other than the official kit will think twice about being welcome in the club tent, you should think again. Those of us who attend the Cross on the Rock races understand just how divisive this request has been, and for a club that has bent over backwards to be inclusive that is a real shame.
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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by Robgrant »

Well said Geoff.
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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by mfarnham »

Hey Geoff, Rob, and others concerned about the tent. Why don't we discuss over coffee tomorrow (Tues)?

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Re: Tripleshot Race Tent and Tripleshot Kit

Post by wonger »

Great Martin - I will try to make it there.