First cx race results in a partial collapsed lung.
Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:45 am
Yesterday I had a fall whilst warming up and thought nothing of it, just a bit winded, so I thought. Within 10 mins after going hard for one lap, I had to stop as I could not breathe and had tremendous pain in my chest. To cut a long short short I spent seven hours in ER and was eventually diagnosed with Pneumothorax (a partial collapsed lung). I am very short of breath, have very shallow breathing and in lots of pain. I am required to go back to ER tomorrow at 9am for follow up X-Rays. Basically, there is air in the lung that should not be there and will continue to be monitored until the lung expands back to normal. I'd like to thank Richard Stark, Nick Friesen and Paul Christopher for their help and David Atwell for monitoring by text. We have a great club of caring people. My wife has threatened to reverse the car over my bikes!