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Cross is Coming*

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:15 pm
by wonger
It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Dates to put in your calendar...

Sunday September 9th - Season opening Cross on the Rock event at Topaz Park, the Pro City GP. Even if you don't race your cross bike, you will never have a better opportunity to throw marshmallows at your favourite Tripleshot member. Please direct projectiles only at members who are actually racing.

Wednesday September 12th - the first of the Cross Underground (no longer so underground) Wednesday night series. The location each week is mailed out to registrants the day before, or sometimes the day of. Send a note to to get on the mailing list. B race is at 5:30, A race is at 6:00.

Friday September 7th - the Great Canadian Beer Fest ( Doesn't actually have a lot to do with cross, but it's a really good time. Don't make the mistake of getting tickets for Beer Fest on Saturday as you will definitely regret it when you line up to race on Sunday. Unless you're Rob Grant. You should be planning to attend Beer Fest on Saturday Rob.

*Posted without gif in the non-cyclocross forum in an effort to inform all about the joy of cyclocross.

Re: Cross is Coming*

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:29 pm
by Alan
Did someone just mention beer?
