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Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:21 pm
by Josh.E
There's been some interest in the other thread about doing a saturday morning hammerfest, a hard effort training type ride. I'm thinking either short 1 minute pulls, or a paceline.
Who would be into meeting this saturday at 6AM at the normal spot on richmond and fort? We could head out fairfield to the waterfront, out cordova bay to island view, out the highway to lands end, and back on west saanich, wallace, interurban? It'd be about 90K, if we're on the road by just after 6, we should be back back by 9ish.
This would not be an official tripleshot ride, with a full possibility of getting spit off the back.


Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:01 pm
by Plawless
I think I am in (pending approval for the Home Office). I would like to be done by 9 at the latest so I could then hook onto the Oak Bay Ride. All welcome if you are looking for an agressive 180k day. Who says I am freaking out about going to Italy!!!!

Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:04 pm
by Josh.E
Peter, you are an animal

Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:57 am
by dreeves
I'm in. Peter, you are "a strange animal" as in 1980's Gowan hit..."that's what I know". Try and get that tune out of your head on your 180 km. slugfest.


Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:30 am
by Brian S
Peter, Peter, Peter. You are a COACH. Remember, don't panic--build/build/build/recover. Repeat as needed. Follow by peak/taper. I am away this week (Kona via Nanaimo??) so please talk up the Whistler ride, and get registered if interested (everyone).

Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:37 pm
by Josh.E
I'll see you guys at 6 tomorrow. Fort and Richmond.

Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:43 pm
by Plawless
Well it was as savage as Roland promised. Josh was unstoppable as were a number of others. I managed to get shelled on West Saanich not just once but 2x today :(

For any interested: 180km in 5:46 with 1645m climbing - The "josh lap" averaged 33.1 and the OBB lap averaged 31.1 (as a result f a super slow ride from the shop to Matticks.). I am beat.

See you all Tuesday


Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:30 pm
by cashman
Well here I am on East Saanich just north of Amity with a group awaiting a flat fix when I see a small group go flying up the hill, I recall seeing Ramses (sp?), and that was all. Then a streak of riders went by, obviously the OB "A" riders these guys were hammering........ Then another group and as I stretch my neck to see any TS I see Mike LAWLESS hanging with the best of them........Now I am thinking maybe that was Peter, because Peter did say he was riding with the OB group??

Nope it wasn't because a few seconds later the final group goes by and I see Peter I am totally surprised by how Peters tongue did not get caught up in his rear wheel; he was dragging his tongue that much, picture a greyhound racing dog who has just run 20 miles his tongue is dragging his eyes look like they are about to pop out of his head (similar to when you drag that cod fish from the bottom of the ocean) and that was Peter though giving him credit he was probably about 125 km into his marathon ride.

Though an evil thought :twisted: did enter my mind...........Peter you ain't pushing 391 watts now are you!!

A beautiful riding day hope those that got out enjoyed it immensely.


Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:04 am
by mlawless
So, I just got in from the Sunday AM ride (yea, I cut it short because I am weak) and am about to leave for the Cobble HIll 10k when I decide to read the forum.

Colin, I am laughing my head off (while I silently agree with you regarding wattage output). I think that will give me an extra 10" per km today when I picture Peter the Greyhound (although as a twin I will not look too closely, and it will be the best looking greyhound on the planet!)


Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:40 pm
by dreeves
The Saturday morning early ride was awesome. Hard, but 90 kms of quality completed by 9 am. I was in pieces as we turned onto West Saanich. Pedro the friendly lion came and picked me up and led me back to the pride.

I am up for it again next Saturday if anyone else is game.

Thanks for the pain.


Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:33 pm
by JohnT
I'm in. Let's call them, "Josh-Saturday's". Anyone know of a 5:30 am coffee shop!


Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:55 am
by Josh.E
Thanks to everyone who came out. That was awesome. By the end of interurban, my stomach was in my mouth as I tried to keep ahead of the John, Alan, Greg (I think it was) paceline steamroller coming up fast behind me. Being at the parking lot in Sidney before the sun was even up was a first for me too.

I think I could probably do next saturday morning, but I need to run it by the supervisor.


Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:06 am
by cashman
JohnT wrote:I'm in. Let's call them, "Josh-Saturday's". Anyone know of a 5:30 am coffee shop!

Starbucks Cook Street Village opens at 5:30

Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:23 am
by steve
Besides the gasping, panting, nausea and pain I had a great time. Count me in for another Josh Saturday.

Peter, I had us at an average of just over 36 kmh for the 1 hour and 40 minutes while we were working hard.


Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:00 pm
by Josh.E
I still can't believe you hooked up with the Oak Bay ride after that, Peter. Hows the post build rest feeling today? Are you feeling ready to ride any Europeans off your wheel who doubt the easter eggs?

In other news, there's another TSer who deserves a hard time for missing the ride. Roland, who decided he'd rather spend saturday dislocating his pinky mountain biking (silly sport :wink:), is now trying his second consecutive year of the "late winter injury" training program.

I can't remember how he hurt his leg last year......what was it he was doing again?

Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:39 pm
by Plawless
It was pretty good actually - much better than I worried it was going to be. I think I could actually have stayed with the group up W Saanich if I had started at the front of the group and not the back but c'est la vie! I cant really complain when I got dropped at the point it ramped up and when I was 165k into the ride all of which averaged over 31km/h.

Sunday I wasnt very interested in cycling at all though. This morning was better but the legs are still tight. I am off to spin class in an hour or so so we'll see how the legs feel when I ask them to turn circles! :shock:

I figure if I can do this kind of ride maybe every 2nd weekend until Sardinia that will really help.

See you all in the am!


Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:54 pm
by Roland
Josh.E wrote:In other news, there's another TSer who deserves a hard time for missing the ride. Roland, who decided he'd rather spend saturday dislocating his pinky mountain biking (silly sport :wink:), is now trying his second consecutive year of the "late winter injury" training program.
I currently have two usable fingers and a thumb and I still get no sympathy. What a team.

Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:05 pm
by Katie
Josh.E wrote:In other news, there's another TSer who deserves a hard time for missing the ride. Roland, who decided he'd rather spend saturday dislocating his pinky mountain biking (silly sport :wink:), is now trying his second consecutive year of the "late winter injury" training program.
It's all part of my elaborate plan to secure myself the drivers seat on the party bike. Look out!! :shock:

Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:02 pm
by gav_eaton
Are you nut bags planning on another death march this Saturday morning?

I've secured prior approval from the grand master and am eagerly seeking pain and suffering.

Re: Saturday AM Race Training Ride?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:16 pm
by Josh.E
I've also got approval. As long as the night before goes relatively smoothly with the baby, I'll be there.

Should we meet at the cook st starbucks, leave at 6:00, so anyone who wants a 5:45am coffee can get one?