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3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 11:08 am
by LouiseF
Greg and I are still planning to do the 3 Ferries ride for May 27 since we have a babysitter. Neither of us has done it before so are hoping some other TSers will join us.

Post here pls if you can come.

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 12:25 pm
by Rolf
I can’t come cuz I’m using up this quarter’s domestic capital for tomorrow’s G(J?)T Adventure (which, importantly, features pizza and beer.) But the 3 Ferries is easypeasy. I remember it something like this:
  • Eat a big breakfast.
  • Ride to Brentwood Bay. Eat food. Wait for the ferry.
  • Ride to Cowichan Bay. Eat pastries and artisan cheeses.
  • Ride to Crofton.* Eat food (good cookies just up the road from the terminal.) Wait for the ferry.
  • Ride to Ganges. Eat a big pub lunch. Drink beer.
  • Ride to Fulford. Eat food (Rock Salt cinny buns!) Wait for the ferry.
  • Ride down the Lochside home (where hopefully someone’s made you a huge, lovely dinner.)
* This can be a longer leg, with a few hills. Maybe eat some food along the way.

In addition to having a great ol’ time on beautiful country roads, you may even gain a few delicious pounds.

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 12:27 pm
by Ann
Last year we did it in the opposite direction. This year, the Wheelers and another club (can't remember which one) are also doing it on the same day, so it might be good for someone to contact at least the Wheelers to see which way they are going and then go the opposite way. :)

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 8:19 pm
by PDavis
Hi Louise,
Scott and I are 90% sure we will do the ride. I've never done it but always wanted to.

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 9:50 pm
by LouiseF
Yay! What awesome company! If no one else decides to join us we can just leave from our 'hood :wink:

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 9:54 pm
by mfarnham
Pretty sure I can make this ride.


Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 10:06 pm
by LouiseF
Okay, that's a triple Yay! :D

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 11:37 am
by mfarnham
Has anyone worked out an expected arrival time back in town? Would be useful for planning purposes.


Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 11:43 am
by Ann
I was chatting with Paul C the other day and he mentioned that neither he nor Mark F are doing this ride this year, and they have been the ones to organize it in the past.

I think that someone needs to take on the organization, which isn't really much. You should be able to just make a decision on the direction, check the ferry schedules and then set a rough itinerary. Rolf posted one above that would work if you decide to go clockwise.

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 2:37 pm
by Greg F
If we go thru Brentwood first, the basic leisurely-paced itinerary (not including the 37 food/beer/coffee/pastry stops that Rolf mentions) would be:

0840 ferry to Mill Bay (I think we'd be hard-pressed to catch the 730 one based on our babysitter/freedom ticket's reasonable arrival to the house and waiting for the tranquilizers to take effect on the dog and/or kids)
0910, arrive Mill Bay, start going North
~40km from Mill Bay to Crofton (I assume its hilly and dotted with pastry shops, so maybe 2 hrs?)

1215 ferry to Vesuvius (gives ~1 hr buffer; earlier ferry at 1105 possible depending on how hilly the route is and no big issues)
1245, arrive Vesuvius.

21km (hilly) to Fulford Harbor

350pm, ferry to Swartz Bay, giving about 1hr buffer (150pm ferry possible if the earlier ferry to Vesuvius is caught)
430pm, arrive Swartz Bay
530pm, home.

So with a little effort and luck between Mill Bay & Crofton, we could be home by about 330pm, but more likely 530pm.

Looking at schedules the opposite way, it'd be close to the same for us: ferry from Swartz Bay departs at 7am and 9am, mostly likely getting home 430 or 545pm.

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 3:19 pm
by Rolf
One additional suggestion is to take Beddis and Stewart Roads from Ganges to Fulford. Distance is about the same, but there is way less traffic, you get an extra, juicy 40m or so of climbing, and the swoopy descents just before you hit the boat are a total hoot.

Here's my Strava from doing it last. (Note: I did an extra 12K loop of Crofton Road exploring North Cowichan while waiting for the boat—Crofton not exactly being the epitome of charm, and the bakery having run out of peanut butter cookies.)

When lunching in Ganges, if you opt for a takeaway Fig & Goat Cheese Chicken Sandwich and Ganges Gulp smoothie from the great Barb's Bakery & Bistro instead of the full-on, sit-down experience of Smoked BBQ Back Ribs or a Vegan Coconut Curry Bowl with an Odin Brewing Galactic Space Dragon IPA at the unequalled Salt Spring Inn, you may still have time for a leisurely dip in gorgeous Cusheon Lake on your way to the last boat of the day. Alternatively, if you prefer to keep your chamois dry, you could instead hit the Salt Spring Island Cheese Company and taste more incredible cheeses & accoutrements than you can shake a water bottle at (their delectable Ruckles and Romelia loaves have me looking at goats in a whole new way. :wink: )

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 3:40 pm
by Ann
Here's the route we did last year (counter-clockwise):

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 6:13 pm
by Greg F
Thanks all. We’re open to suggestions on route particulars and direction. But we (Louise and I) probably won’t be able to make the first ferries or schedule anything more detailed. So consider this “a fluid 3 ferry ride with friends” more than a highly organized and orchestrated operation, k?

As long as we don’t have to do this to make any of the ferries, I’ll call the day a success!


Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 9:04 pm
by LouiseF
Rolf, are ya sure ya don't wanna come? I can almost hear you drooling and we could definitely use a guide de gustation.

What are the pros and cons to the two directions? (Aside from ferry schedules and getting on our way a little bit earlier with the Brentwood Bay departure - and I'm guessing more sailings on the way back from Saltspring than Mill Bay?)

Anyone else thinking they will join? So far it looks like:
Louise F
Tim ?
Scottish Karen

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 9:58 pm
by roadflasj
LouiseF wrote:
I'm guessing more sailings on the way back from Saltspring than Mill Bay?

I'd second an early and known Brentwood/Mill Bay crossing time. One vote for a clockwise route.

So far it looks like:
Louise F
Tim ?
Scottish Karen

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 8:08 am
by JTyre
Sadly, I can't make it, but I wish I could be there at least for the start,


And to Greg: remember, this is not an "A" ride ...


... and to the rest of you, watch out for children,


Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 4:38 pm
by Alan
Just one small but important correction to the posting here. Greg said there is a 7:30 ferry from Brentwood.
Yes, true on everyday EXCEPT Sunday, which I believe is the day you are doing the "3 Fairies" ride.
The first Sunday ferry is 8:40.

The other thing about the Mill Bay Ferry is that it is notoriously unreliable. Once, heading up island, I didn't bother to check if it was running before riding out there. It was not, due to some technical problem, and I had to double back and take the Malahat.

I am amazed that Rolf can nail down all the gustatory niches on the lower island. If we were to eat as enthusiastically as he thinks we should, we'd all be plump piggies...


Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 5:06 pm
by roadflasj
Perhaps we can head towards the 8:40am BW/MB ferry and if it's not running simply head up the peninsula to get on the Saltspring ferry.

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 7:54 pm
by Claire
I also vote for the 8:40 from Brentwood. There is a relatively new ferry on the route, so perhaps the mechanical delay issue is less so now.

(Not 100% certain of going, but more than 50%)

Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 9:37 pm
by dranson
I’m interested in this one - what’s not to like about all that food! As I live up near Royal Oak, it makes the most sense for me to join the group en route if someone can let me know the planned route out to Brentwood and your departure time.


PS - I heard good reports of the new El Loco Taco restaurant in Ganges from folks who did this ride 2 weeks ago.