Roadie safe room

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

Moderator: mfarnham

Posts: 794
Joined: Sat Jul 08, 2017 4:41 pm

Roadie safe room

Post by JTyre »

Roadies straying into the cyclocross subforum report being scared and disoriented

Given these new reports the cyclocross submariner subterranean subforum subcommittee has reserved this room for the curious roadie wanting to be part of the adventure but too timid to go all in. A place to dip one's delicate roadie toe within the safety of familiar order and routine.

Here, roadies can gaze, two-abreast of course, into the pit of depravity that the cyclocross subforum has become without fear of abuse and/or jarring images. The language will be clean and the gifs, soft, cuddly and pleasant.

For music we offer the soothing sounds of Yanni puncuated by the upbeat tempos of Kenny G,


For visual delight, prancing unicorns and loving kittens,


However, descend further into the cyclocross subforum and don’t be surprised by, or complain about, behaviour like this,


Right Alan?
Posts: 919
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2008 4:19 pm

Re: Roadie safe room

Post by Alan »
