Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

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Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by Rolf »

Feeling the need to stretch the legs a bit and I've never taken the Goose all the way. I think this works out to around 110km? Thinking of a 6 a.m. departure, minimal breaks, trying to hold about 27 km/h, back by 10:30?

It probably wouldn't be hard to talk me out of this... icy bridges, snow showers etc. :P
norman marcy
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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by norman marcy »

likely too fast a projected pace... see recent Trek store report of ride to leech town January 28
early start too may be still sleeping but might do some of the ride later start and meet you on your way back
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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by Rolf »

Hmm.. very helpful. Thanks, Norm. They were a mixed group of 20 and averaged 24-26 km/h.

I'm thinking in the interests of time possibly skipping Metchosin and instead taking the 14 to Sooke from the Happy Valley turnoff. Then seeing how late it is before deciding which route to take home.

Kinda expecting to do this solo as it's a bit of a departure from regular SCXunday riding. But let me know if you get up and out there...
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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by JTyre »


For Chrissakes, do you think really think you're going to lose me by riding that early? Last Sunday was just years 1-10 in the extraordinary life of Johnny Trye. Tomorrow I'll be sharing with you my reform school years and loss of virginity. See you at 6 am.

And please, would somebody else please join us (Norm?). I'm as tired of Rolf and his stories as he is of me and mine.

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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by Rolf »

I can't hardly wait, JT. :shock:

How about we meet at Fort and Richmond at 6? Then we can take Bay direct to the Goose.

Bring snacks. And GIFs.
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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by JTyre »

norman marcy
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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by norman marcy »

getting my tractor out and plowing the fields of Saanich
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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by burtonbikes »

Hey Norm,
Would you like to meet and ride the trail and catch Rolf & John on the way back. I'll be going at 9ish. I just need to be back by 12:30.
Tom B
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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by JTyre »


Sorry to have missed you. That said, I would have ignored you anyways for having left me alone with “you know who”. “You know who” didn’t bring enough nutrition and was very gassy. Still, and as usual, stellar conversation and companionship.

Some pretty amazing country on the way up to Leechtown. I’m really glad to have cycled it but it wasn’t to my taste from a cyclocross perspective, that is. And, Alan wasn’t there; he’s always good for a crash or two, with me following.

Rolf, if I knew how too I’d give you kudos on Strava. So, kudos from here on the forum.

Greg F
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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by Greg F »

Delightfully done, Dynamic Duo!

I’m sure when you got home, you were just:

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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by Alan »

john, Me, good for a crash or two you say? You must be talking about my cyclocross version of skimboarding...The double embarrassment: A crash and a big white butt hanging out for all to see.
As pictured:

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Re: Sunday, Feb. 11 - The Early Bus to Leechtown?

Post by Rolf »

A memorable day in the saddle. As Norm predicted, it was slower going than anticipated. I can't recall the last time I rode more than four hours, so I predictably bonked a bit in the fifth and sixth.

I’m glad we did this, but I don’t think I’ll soon repeat it. At times the Goose is almost as boring as road-riding; I prefer turning more frequently.

However, I also had no idea the Sooke River is so gorgeous north of the potholes: impressive bluffs above and dramatic rapids below.

Other things I was grateful for:
  • cool but dry conditions (I didn't even have to wash my bike!)
  • good craic with John throughout
  • not getting beaten up by the septuagenarian locals who failed to let us through when I dinged my bell
  • extra calories and liquids from John when I ran out
And yes, I'm sorry for my digestive challenges, John. But it was no surprise that your pecan tart led to a piquant fart.