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Crazy Tripleshoters: Alarms set for 3:30 A.M. Sun June 18???

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:30 am
by Paul C.
Do you have nothing to do this coming Sunday morning?....or we could call it late Saturday night.

Do you love doing the same bike loop maybe 100 times?

Do you celebrate every Equinox and Solstice with pagan-cyclist Allan Cassels??

Do you like to have fun on your bike while avoiding peacocks, squirrels and park campers?

This year we will offer 3:15 A.M. wake up calls.
Are you intetested?

Re: Crazy Tripleshoters: Alarms set for 3:30 A.M. Sun June 1

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:38 am
by Paul C.
Whoops...that last word ...was

S.S.S. 2017 Sunday June 18 Beacon Hill Park

Official start time...4 a.m. at petting zoo.
It is ok to come later.

I believe we can thank Simon Pearson or Barton B. for this insanity on two wheels.

...often this also becomes the 7.30 Sunday ride.

Re: Crazy Tripleshoters: Alarms set for 3:30 A.M. Sun June 1

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:56 am
by Fozzy
I do believe that it was Simon Pearson and Kate Weber that came up with the dastardly plan of riding for a silly amount of laps around Beacon Hill Park.

Re: Crazy Tripleshoters: Alarms set for 3:30 A.M. Sun June 1

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:51 pm
by katew
That, sir, is a detestable and appalling lie.

It was all Simon's fault.

So, there.

Re: Crazy Tripleshoters: Alarms set for 3:30 A.M. Sun June 1

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:10 pm
by Rolf
katew wrote:...a detestable and appalling...
Kudos for the current events tie-in, Ms. Instigator-in-Denial; but I believe Dobby said "an appalling and detestable lie". :P

Re: Crazy Tripleshoters: Alarms set for 3:30 A.M. Sun June 1

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:49 pm
by Paul C.
I did one gruelling lap at about 7.15....and then (no surprise) went for coffee.
Rumours abound of wet, early morning riders???