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Tuesday corner of Cedar Hill X Rd and Codboro Bay Rd

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 8:47 am
by chrisb
Hi Everyone,

So the corner here is unpleasant, one person went down this morning.

We have a stop sign, the sprinklers are getting water on the road, and we can't really see that far around the corner. The corner can be easy if we all take it easier.

We do take that corner quickly, does anyone have suggestions for something that we as a group could do - maybe purposely spread the group out for that corner, have an actual stop at the stop sign... make sure that we take it single file and not too tight?


Re: Tuesday corner of Cedar Hill X Rd and Codboro Bay Rd

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 2:21 pm
by JohnT
I think the water was a factor today. I have written to Oak Bay to complain about the sprinklers - they were still on, and poorly aimed, at 10 am.

Another thing (that might not sit well with all of you). CAR! isn't always the best way to warn people, at least in many situations. I think this was one. Car! generates less anxiety. Same with CAR BACK! and DEER! I think it is possible to get most messages out, without every one of them seeming like an emergency. These are just thoughts/opinions, but not really subjects for debate. Ignore them as you see fit.



Re: Tuesday corner of Cedar Hill X Rd and Codboro Bay Rd

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 4:10 pm
by mfarnham
Someone once suggested that the group send one person from the front ahead at this corner, so that any needed warnings are telegraphed to the group a little more quickly. Maybe something to try?

It certainly makes sense to slow the pace down around that intersection. Half the time the group should be regrouping from a sprint anyway.


Re: Tuesday corner of Cedar Hill X Rd and Codboro Bay Rd

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 8:43 pm
by Bosie
I think it makes sense to single up here. We single up on the other corner and this one is generally after the sprint.

If there is a car, its fairly easy to hug the curb and slow down safely.

Its far more challenging if you are 2 up and in the outside lane as you are getting pushed into the car and so jamming on brakes may seem like the only option. Jamming on brakes suddenly in a group ride is a recipe for disaster.

(The other option of course is to move the Tuesday ride to the UVIC loop , but I seem to remember there were objections to this, or it had been tried before.)

Re: Tuesday corner of Cedar Hill X Rd and Codboro Bay Rd

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 10:37 am
by Greg F
No strong arguments from me. I've felt myself getting squirrelly on that corner a couple of times too. (due to my own mis-judgments when I was on the inside of a double-paceline; I'm sure those outside of me didn't appreciate my quick movements to get back in line!)

Can anyone share more details on what happened this Tuesday?

Re: Tuesday corner of Cedar Hill X Rd and Codboro Bay Rd

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 1:51 pm
by Bosie
With regard to the crash:

2 up going down to Caddy Bay. Sprinklers had water over the road.
Cars coming up the road and a call of "CAR!". A few brakes were hit and a couple of riders skidded on the water. One clipped the back of the bike in front and went down.
Low speed crash, but a shaken rider. Able to ride, but escorted home by one of the group.

Re: Tuesday corner of Cedar Hill X Rd and Codboro Bay Rd

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:24 pm
by Plawless
this YET AGAIN reminds me of the absolute imperative that we SLOW DOWN after the sprint (and on the off laps too). I really like the single up idea - we already do that once on the box for exactly this reason and I have to say we have had far more close calls at this corner than the other one.

I remain of the view that if you are contending for the sprint you are a bit of a jerk if you are also the first around that corner. squeeze the brakes! let the group collect quicker, don't keep trashing the folks that are already shelled and struggling to catch back on bleeding from their eyes....and hey, why not be a bit extra safe too...

So I recommend we actually change our current behaviour as I really like each and every one of you and I really, really don't want to see anyone hit a car - it can end very badly. this has been brought to our attention far too many times to just carry on without making a change.


STEP 1: SLOW the F*CK down post sprint and into that corner every single lap;

STEP 2: SINGLE UP into the corner and re-accelerate gently as we get back into twos; and



Re: Tuesday corner of Cedar Hill X Rd and Codboro Bay Rd

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 10:58 pm
by AlW
Interesting discussion.

Cyclists, including myself, have no problem criticizing drivers that pass to close or do other stupid crap because they want to get where they are going 30 seconds sooner.

Yet here is a discussion about how to "safely" run a stop sign because what, we want to get to coffee 30 seconds sooner?

If safely is really the priority, why not just stop at the stop sign as chrisb suggested in his original post. Stop, regroup and roll out together when clear. Keeps the group together and virtually eliminates the threats from cars, deer and wet roads. Seems simple to me.