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Hip Bursitis - Trochanteric

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:39 pm
by waverider
Has anyone ever been diagnosed with trochanteric bursitis? If so, how long was your recovery? Any tips? My GP says no activity for 6 to 12 months. I'm at almost 4 months now and still in a fair amount of pain, despite numerous physio, shockwave and laser treatments.


Re: Hip Bursitis - Trochanteric

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:49 am
by LouiseF
I thought I had this too after a sudden onset running injury 3 weeks ago. The PT I'm seeing thinks it is trochanteric tendonitis (have not been seen by an MD). I've stopped running but kept on riding and have had 3 treatments of IMS and I am almost pain free and am looking forward to trying running again as soon as she gives me the OK. Maybe try a different PT for a new perspective?

Re: Hip Bursitis - Trochanteric

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:03 am
by Bosie
Have you considered getting a second opinion from one of the docs at Rebalance? There are a couple of sports GPs there who may be able to help. Dr Alain Le Blanc is a GP with a sports medicine practice and is fairly connected with Rebalance. Alternatively try and catch one of the biking Orthopods with a sports interest- Charles Nelson or James Stone come to mind.

Re: Hip Bursitis - Trochanteric

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:18 am
by steve
Hey Geoff,

I'd concur with Louise and that the research is suggesting that many of these are likely a gluteal tendonopathy. If that is the case, often some exercise to help improve hip motor control and manual therapy/IMS to the hip can be beneficial. I'd also agree with the idea of going to get a sports med dr. to look at it - Rebalance has a few who are avid cyclists: Paddy McCluskey, Richard Backus and Leblanc would all be good options and usually quicker than getting into seeing one of the orthopaedic surgeons.


Re: Hip Bursitis - Trochanteric

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:22 pm
by John D
Given the club's demographic, we should approach the docs at Rebalance to inquire whether they might be interested in becoming a sponsor. Barb's already claimed pride of placement on all our butts (the logo appearing larger on some than others), but we also each have two hips - many of which seem to be failing of late.


Re: Hip Bursitis - Trochanteric

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:47 pm
by waverider
Thanks for the tips. Do you know if you have to get a referral to see a sports med doctor? I suppose I can call the clinic in the morning and answer that myself!

I've been doing IMS with the shockwave and laser weekly treatments. Combined I get relief for a couple/three days and then the pain comes back. Seeing some improvements, but 4 months in with no cycling or running and the dent in the couch is getting deeper!