Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

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Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by Plawless »

I just wanted to remind the 200+ members of the club that on Thursday mornings there is a super fun ride up at UVic doing TTT sets of laps. Its a super cool workout and a lot of fun.

Imagine my surprise, nay, horror, to be out there this am for a TEAM Time Trial all by my lonesome self :(

It was pleasantly warm and mostly dry and without doubt spectacular conversation and witty repartee was to be had if only you had the courage and winter fortitude to attend....

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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by Rolf »

All of our rides have seen a precipitous decline in attendance over the past few weeks. I'm sure it wasn't because people knew you were going to be there, Peter. :P

The transition to fenders, lights, and more steady, less-rock-'n'-roll riding seems to be taking longer this year. For example, last Friday saw just three road bikes at Pareto. Sunday was reportedly small and uncomfortably aggressive for some. Tuesday had an A ride of 6-8, a C ride of 2, and a sole B ride of 12-14 that was down to 9 by the time it hit the box (and apparently continued to blow up from there.) And there were only two lonesome souls yesterday doing Wednesday hills.

Winter is a time to embrace those long, steady efforts and really ride cooperatively—and Thursday TTTs are awesome for this. We had such a successful spring/summer of rapid growth, especially in the faster rides with the firm addition of a second drop-ride. It would be unfortunate if our newer members failed to embrace the more practically challenging—but no less pleasurable—dark and stormy riding. Get those winter setups going, folks!
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John D
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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by John D »

Methinks it's time to re-introduce the concept of winter gloating points.
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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by Alan »

Just a little reminder from the vault. Do you remember when we'd get 30+ people showing up for a Wednesday ride, doing hills? I do. Especially if the press were going to be there, seeing what media hogs we all are. Check out this article from the Times Colonist in 2010, with a few zinger lines:


Club president Peter Lawless, 39, says the pre-dawn patrol evolved so members could ride faster, longer and harder with fewer cars around. "Every rider's wife, husband or partner asks serious questions about our mental health, but what else are you doing at 6 a.m?"

He is riding 400 kilometres a week now, training for the seven-day Giro de Sardinia April 17, a somewhat shorter version of the Tour de France. Also taking part are Victoria's David Spiers and Alan Cassels.

"This club is interesting because the riders are fast, but friendly. You don't show up to a bunch of stone-faced killers in mirrored glasses," says the cyclist, who also coaches wheelchair athlete Michelle Stilwell.

"And we're like the marines. We have a policy to leave no one behind."
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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by steve »

Ahh yes, the good old days....

Didn't some madman do hill repeats up Sinclair and Mt. Tolmie on a unicycle?

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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by barton bourassa »

Can Jill and I back date winter gloating to last Saturday's wetfest!?

See you tomorrow morning!

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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by Claire »

barton bourassa wrote:Can Jill and I back date winter gloating to last Saturday's wetfest!?
I'd say so! Nice work, you two.

We may need to devise a point system to encourage much badassedness this winter. Extras for being out there in sub-zero temps, darkness, record-setting rainfall, debris-dodging winds, fallen limb bunny-hopping, etc...
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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by barton bourassa »

Where have all the riders gone, long time passing!! Where or where was Peter this morning? As Rolf said, only 5 of us leaving the parking lot this morning. Kevin L, Todd H, Mike F, Christian then we picked up Alan B and eventually Mary.

Not bad out this morning at all. A bit of rain, a bit of wind and rain, and a nice bit of wind at our backs on the way down Dallas.

Can't wait till tomorrow morning's ride!

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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by Marcus »

Love the Thursday ride but retirement is getting in the way these dark days. I don't know how Mark F gets up for 6 a.m. rides in the winter which to me is more challenging than riding 300 kms. If anyone is looking for company on a daytime ride please send me a pm.

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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by JohnT »

Motivational, as always, Peter: I installed fenders this morning, ... and I hate that job.

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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by Claire »

You know what was most notable about this morning's TTTs at UVic? No, it wasn't the downpour of biblical proportions throughout the hour-long ride. Nor was it the placement of an unprecedented "Road Flooded" sign marking the small lake at the Henderson entrance to ring road. It was not even the appearance of two hardy souls each completing the session as an ITT.

Most notable was the distinct absence of any hypocrites with the initials P.L.
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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by Mikael »

I just wanted to send out a (very) small thank you for supporting my Individual Time Trial this morning. I am particularly thinking of Peter who started this thread. I appreciate how hard you squeezed your pillows encouraging me to go faster. It really warmed my little heart…..

I wish that I had remembered to ask Claire, in the few minutes we had together at the start, about those gloating points…

Mikael ;)
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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by JohnT »

You know what was most notable about this morning's TTTs at UVic? No, it wasn't the downpour of biblical proportions. Nor was it the placement of an unprecedented "Road Flooded" sign marking the small lake at the Henderson entrance to ring road.

It WAS the appearance of two hardy (that's one way to describe them) souls each completing the session as an ITT.

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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by katew »

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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by Rolf »


If anyone else had posted this I wouldn't be enjoying a small but substantive belief that it may be legitimate.
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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by John D »

And an appropriate usage of ALL-CAPS. STOP. :wink:
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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by Mikael »

Imagine my surprise this morning when over 200 members accepted Peter's invitation to the Thursday Team TT. Most impressive was the member who finally arrived here from central Canada having ridden for two weeks just to have the pleasure, and honour, to ride with Peter. As if that was not enough, all those fans waving the "Go Peter Go" banners was a sight to behold. Hopefully somebody took pictures of all those teams zooming around ring road at record speeeds.

Peter is my hero too! I can't hardly wait to ride with him one of these days. Hopefully somebody who knows his whereabouts will pass on an invitation. :oops:

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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by bisonesque »

I am happy to report that I just saw the recently absent Peter Lawless walking down the street in Victoria BC. So, I am pleased to announce that rumours of his demise is are the rumours that he is currently on tour with Justin Bieber.

I am even more pleased to announce that he looked sheepish...or as close to sheepish as PL is capable of.

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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by LouiseF »

Like sträva, this board is lacking a LIKE button.
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Re: Yes there IS a ride on Thurdays

Post by JohnT »

When there are only three, and the other two are much faster, there's not much of this:

"spectacular conversation and witty repartee"

I want my money back.

Actually, the suffering this morning (assuming it pays off in the long run), was worth the annual membership. Thanks Claire and Craig.
