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Cross rides this Wednesday and Friday - Pareto, 6 a.m.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 2:44 pm
by Rolf
To prepare for this weekend's Cross Fondo (and because I'm too lazy to swap wheels) I'll be enjoying urban cross rides this week on Wednesday and Friday, leaving Pareto at 6. Routes are negotiable, but some of the stuff Geoff and crew have been doing is likely: UVic, 10 Mile Pt. etc. Join me!

Tomorrow should still be crisp (forecast low of +4!) but dry, like this morning; Friday could be wild and wet. Bring good lights*.

*I experienced light-failure at high speed this morning, suddenly flying through dense forest in the pitch black. :shock: Tip: ensure your backup light is also up-to-snuff! :roll: