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Goldstream Heights Saturday Sept. 3?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:12 am
by FairweatherMike
I'm trying to train/prep/drag my sorry posterior up some climbs in anticipation of the too-rapidly-approaching Whistler GF Sept. 10. Was sorry to miss Barton`s Goldstream Heights extravaganza last week, and noted it almost duplicates the Whistler GF in distance and elevation. Will pretty much adopt everything Barton said in his Aug. 24 post as to route and plan of attack. Early departure (0600) and gentle pace. Forecast cool - 20% POP... will probably bail in event of serious rain as I don't have road disks (yet) and don't trust wet brakes on steep descents.

Wait a minute - my daily driver has disks and fenders, and is only double the weight of my summer bike. Like adding a weightlifting session to the road workout - such a deal!

So - anyone interested in hitting the Heights on Saturday? Please indicate whether you're in regardless of wind, rain, lightning, hail...

Fairweather Mike

Re: Goldstream Heights Saturday Sept. 3?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:36 pm
by sskrobek
Hi Mike, any takers for the goldstream ride on sept 3. If weather is good i would be in. leaving 6am from what location? Could be a long day with only 2 riders. Let me know if you are still considering this.
steve skrobek

Re: Goldstream Heights Saturday Sept. 3?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 2:56 pm
by FairweatherMike
Hi Steve -

You're the first Tripleshotter to raise a hand. I've got 2, maybe 3 IRC guys wanting to do it, so it's safe to figure a group of 4 at least. Compromise start time: 06:30 at the corner of Clifford and Arnold in Fairfield. If that's not convenient we can meet you at the Uptown switch bridge at approx. 6:45.

Nice to have at least one brave 3S soul inquire!

Re: Goldstream Heights Saturday Sept. 3?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:54 pm
by sskrobek
Unfortunately, much to my disappointment I cannot make the ride tomorrow. Enjoy, i hope the weather cooperates. Steve