Down with that barbaric free-market capitalism!

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Down with that barbaric free-market capitalism!

Post by Claire »

I happened upon an interesting article while doing research for a writing project. It hits on a lot of the things I feel are "wrong with the world" and that have been nagging at me ever since I realized that those in power aren't really looking out for all of our best interests (yes, that marked the birth of Cynical Claire... probably back in first year uni).

In case you're not inclined to click here, I offer some nuggets of insight that I appreciated from this article:

"The neoliberal faithful conveniently overlook the insanity of an economic system that is built on the anticipation of infinite growth on a finite planet." (emphasis added)

"The growth that threatens any semblance of civilization is welcomed, while the curbing of growth that is so urgently needed is dismissed as disastrous. So, in effect, cancerous growth is being treated as the cure to the economy's malaise instead of its cause."

"... the main criterion of corporations today is not whether something they make is useful, but whether slick advertising ... will stimulate profits from the sale of junk. Never mind that the production of rubbish is exhausting resources that could be put to more constructive use."
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Re: Down with that barbaric free-market capitalism!

Post by Rolf »

Sounds like you need to find some other online forums, Claire. Don't the CCPA, the Dogwood Inititative, the Tyee, or the Council of Canadians have supporters' forums—where rants against The Man can be fostered and shared? :P Ask Alan; I'm sure he knows a few card-carrying members of all-the-above.

And I know cycling is the answer to all of society's problems, but I've tried and failed to find the connection between this topic and anything Tripleshotty. Having said that, I'll still share my response to the article you shared. :lol:

Anyone who starts an opinion piece repeating something they said 17 years earlier and then quoting from their own riposte to criticism they received at the time, comes across as terribly insecure and full of him/herself. Instead of trying to tell you something and get your attention with content, the author here just leaves you swimming in his bile.

Nearly every paragraph offers up overblown rhetoric like "corporate barbarism has intensified on a colossal scale, to the point of endangering the very sustainability of human life on the planet" [yes, emphasis added. :wink: ] Each one of these words is carefully selected for its emotive weight. But offered as they are—without accompanying hard, substantive evidence or factual support—they just sound shrill and empty. Now, I know this piece is an "old lefty" in his nineties, getting fired up reading Monbiot and enjoying a little retrospective of his greatest hits—but it would be much more persuasive if he didn't rely on shapeless lamentation, hand-wringing, and offering up large block quotes from his own writing. :roll:

I couldn't scroll further than two screens' worth. I probably agree with most of what the dude's saying, but it's so alarmist and full of unsubstantiated overstatement that I became too irritated to go on.
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Re: Down with that barbaric free-market capitalism!

Post by Claire »

Rolf wrote: And I know cycling is the answer to all of society's problems, but I've tried and failed to find the connection between this topic and anything Tripleshotty. Having said that, I'll still share my response to the article you shared. :lol:
Yeah, well, I was bored-slash-procrastinating and sometimes I'm partial to unsubstantiated rhetoric. It's one of the reasons I enjoy your posts so much, Rolf.

Anyway, I thought "General Banter" was proffering up a place to banter about, well... general things.
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Re: Down with that barbaric free-market capitalism!

Post by Rolf »

Heehee. I knew you'd get my point; birds of a feather... :)

The thread description is "YouTube videos, Pickle juice discussion, doping accusations, etc." I'd gladly chuck "politics, religion, and running" in there, just to watch the poop and opprobrium fly. But that's probably why nobody's given me the keys to this sucker... :twisted:
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Re: Down with that barbaric free-market capitalism!

Post by Robgrant »

I was taking bets on if Rolf or Alan would be first with a reply- on company time no less, so at least Claire wasn't the only one procrastinating.

Here's a thought experiment, without capitalism and the profit motive, what would we be riding at 6AM? Sure, it was the military industrial complex that developed commercially viable titanium alloys that both Rolf and Alan prefer. However, without the capitalism and the profit motive, I seriously doubt practical frames would be available at prices they could afford. Carbon frames? GPS receiver the size of a couple of boxes of matches? Fuggedaboutit.
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Re: Down with that barbaric free-market capitalism!

Post by Alan »

I can surely deliver a red-face rant at the drop of a hat to help point out the drawbacks of capitalism, but it is much worse than any of us can imagine, and far too depressing to contemplate. Better to ride one's bike and breath fresh air. Stuck as I am in my little corner of the universe, ranting on one of disaster capitalism's grossest progeny, ie: iatrogenic capitalism (an industry that invents diseases and then sells treatments for them) I am quite happy to see some positive side effects of the free market including ultra strong alloys that can improve the performance of bicycles, hip joints and laser-guided missile systems.

Secondly a brief riposte: "Overblown rhetoric" is good for the world's Rolfs, occasionally shaking them out of their dogmatic slumbers. As for why our Rolf responded to Claire's post first, Rob, you should be reminded our Rolf works for "the Man" and hence, when he procrastinates and takes a break to wax lyrically on the Tripleshot Forum, all of us taxpayers are taking the hit. Unlike others of us who work in the self-employed world, our pay takes a dip when we search through the thesaurus to figure out what Rolf is talking about or procrastinate by responding... :roll: (not like it actually stops us from doing so.)
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Re: Down with that barbaric free-market capitalism!

Post by Rolf »

Alan wrote:Rolf works for "the Man" and hence, when he procrastinates and takes a break to wax lyrically on the Tripleshot Forum, all of us taxpayers are taking the hit.
Rest assured, though some lunch hours find me here, "shattering sheetglass in the shithouse", all you taxpayers get your money back when I'm drafting submissions at 3 a.m.
Alan wrote:...iatrogenic...
Respect! :D
Robgrant wrote:t was the military industrial complex that developed commercially viable titanium alloys that both Rolf and Alan prefer.
Yes, I used to feel much closer to my socialist ideals riding in leather shoes on my old steel, working-class Bianchi. There was so much more to complain about! :lol:
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Re: Down with that barbaric free-market capitalism!

Post by Lister Farrar »

Not to over-encourage Claire ;), but Brexit and The Donald do make me wonder if the increasing disparity in most societies isn't the reason those points of view are finding supporters. If free trade and globalization and trade deals are really so good, why has the bottom half steadily lost ground? I suspect that free trade really does make sense in terms of cost of production and even spreading wealth to poorer countries, but it's harder to convince people whose ship building or car building job has gone to china or mexico. While the net increase in wealth goes to a few. Or, is the standard of living and technological advances of capitalism offset that? As you can see i'm largely unread and unsure, but I hate to completely write off people who don't vote like me.
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