Cycling BC Board

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Cycling BC Board

Post by Bosie »

As some of you may be aware, I have thrown my hat into the ring for election to the board of Cycling BC.

This decision was prompted by my belief that our local clubs should have some representation on the Board of Cycling BC and the fact that no one else seemed inclined to do it.

I think its important that this organization grows and and helps develop the sport in the Province. I would like it to be a world class organization producing world class athletes whilst supporting clubs like our own in promoting the sport in the Province.

I freely admit to being a "noob" with very limited experience in the cycling community and politics, but I have some organizational and political experience and Im (hopefully) a quick study, and can help influence the organization if elected.

Please consider voting for me when you receive the polling information from Cycling BC. If you dont want to vote for me, please vote for someone else! For any organization, the strength of its Board and how it expresses the will of its members is a function of the engagement of its membership.
Craig B.
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by sailor »

Nicely put Craig. It would be great to see more representation from outside the lower mainland. Sounds more than a little like a back hand complement, but you have my vote.
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by mfarnham »

Good on you, Craig. Thanks for taking one for the team!

Sure enough I just received an email from Cycling BC with a link to vote. Everyone paid up with a local club should have received that email, so check your inbox.

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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by Plawless »

I for one just moved the CBC email back to my inbox in order to remember to vote for Craig tomorrow. I hope all of us in TS do the same. I applaud Craig for offering his time for a greater good. I hope you win Craig. I can only vote once but it's for you.

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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by Rolf »

Brilliant! Good luck and thanks, Bosie.
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by jimwallace »

Hi everyone, I just voted for our local big guy Craig. And in order to have a local interest on the BC Cycling Board I would encourage you to only vote for Craig. I know that it says you can vote for up to 9 people...but to lift Craig's chances just vote for him.

AJ Neale
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by AJ Neale »

I think this is fantastic and kudos to you Craig for volunteering your time for such an important function. I think we should all read the vision and range of experiences that Craig has outlined on the BC Cycling Election webpage ....... a perfect candidate for director. You have my vote and I will pass the word along.


P.S. Bosie: you won't ever win the B1 sprint if you are riding A!
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by Rolf »

I hope you don't mind, Craig, if I re-post your election pitch and bio below. I think it's quite impressive and I'm really grateful you're willing to possibly represent the Island, Tripleshot and recreational roadies like us at the CBC table.

I encourage everyone to take the 60 seconds it takes to vote online. All you need to know are your first and last names, and your Cycling BC Member Number (which should have been mailed out to you when you registered your Tripleshot membership.)

Here's a link directly to the voting page.
Cycling is enjoying a growth in popularity in our communities. This growth presents a number of opportunities which need to be leveraged and built upon. I would like to see Cycling BC realize its vision of being “recognized in Canada as a leader in implementing innovative programs and seeking unique opportunities to build and promote the sport of cycling at all levels”.

Obstructions to entry into the sport at all levels need to be identified and pragmatic and innovative solutions need to found to overcome and circumvent these obstacles. Similarly, innovative and pragmatic programs need to strengthened and built to help our members and clubs further develop cycling in the province. We should not be scared of failure and should celebrate success.

BC has produced world class athletes. We have the means and talent to build on this previous success through continuous improvement and evaluation of our programs. BC Cycling can, and should be, a world class organization producing world class cyclists whilst encouraging and fostering a love of cycling in all its members and the population at large.

As we leverage this growth in the cycling community opinions will differ and conflict will arise. I would like to see us use this conflict constructively to build the community and to enhance the relationships within the community (rather than break them down).

I believe an effective Board can help facilitate the realization of Cycling BCs vision and hopefully as a relative newcomer and outsider, I can offer some constructive and objective direction if elected to the Board.

I have been an enthusiastic “Clydesdale” Masters cyclist for the last 4 years. My greatest achievement in cycling is to have almost won the a sprint on the Tripleshot B1 Friday ride in Victoria.( My ambition is to one day finish an A ride with the front group). My wife and 12 year old son have recently taken up cycling and seem to enjoy it as much as I do. My son recently began racing.

For myself, and my family, cycling has been a revelation. Not only because of the obvious health benefits, but also because of the wonderful and strong community that surrounds cycling in all its forms. I would like to contribute to that society and help strengthen it for future generations.

I was a former elite level athlete in competitive Kayaking in my youth.

I am currently a specialist anesthesiologist in Victoria BC. I have considerable experience in organizational management, having led the anesthesiology service for Vancouver Island Health Authority and, before that, the Regina Quappelle Health region in Saskatchewan. In these roles, I have sat on, and chaired, numerous Health Authority Committees and Provincial Committees tasked with providing anesthesia and surgical services in BC. I also led the Surgical Quality Action Network of BC Patient Safety and Quality Council and facilitated the implementation of the WHO Surgical Safety checklist in BC. I retired from Medical Administration 3 years ago to spend more time with my young family. I have enjoyed numerous other positions in Sports and Physician Political organizations prior to moving to Canada.

As my family grows older, and I have more time, I would like to use my organizational skills in areas outside of Medicine.
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by steve »


Thanks for taking the time to do this. Took me all of 60 seconds to vote for you. I would encourage the rest of the club to do so in order to represent the island, club and the middle aged cyclists in the group....

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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by Andrew »

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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by Bosie »

Thanks for the support everyone!
Craig B.
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by L2R »

Done! And thanks for running!
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by GarthC »

It'll be great to have you sit on the board of Cycling BC!
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by Fozzy »

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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by mtsmith439 »

You just got my vote CB.
There has to be a way to broadcast this to the Greater Victoria cycling community.
I think it's not only in TSC's best interest to get Craig on the board, it's in the local cycling community's best interest.
Maybe our all powerful president can wield some of his influence.
We can also harness the power of social networking. If we all take to Facebook and Twitter, we can get some buzz happening around this. Let's get CB on that board!
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by bradzarikoff »

:wink: DONE
Brad Z.
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by EricS »

4 more votes from our family!
Eric Simonson
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by myboys »

FYI...did my part. Good luck, Craig!
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Lister Farrar
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by Lister Farrar »

Voting closes Tuesday at 8:00 pm. All you need is your cycling bc number from your license.

Please take the time to vote, and also please consider supporting Tripleshotter Craig Bosenburg, a voice for Tripleshot in Cycling BC.
"We're jammin', jammin',
And I hope you like jammin', too."
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AJ Neale
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Re: Cycling BC Board

Post by AJ Neale »

Are congratulations in order?? I hadn't seen anything about the Cycling BC voting results so I logged on to the AGM live chat to see that Craig is taking part in the meeting remotely ....I assume this means that Craig has been successful! Well done!
