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Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:33 am
by Plawless
A few of us were talking about this on the weekend. I have spoken to Houshang Amiri (i.e. Sven Tuft, Erinne Willock's coach!) about setting up some testing at PISE (Pacific Institute of Sports Excellence). We would get lactate, VO2 max, threshold etc. Houshang would also do a bit of a bike fit and a pedalling efficiency test.

Cost is between $80-130 (lets see how many folks are interested and then get a fixed price).

We can pick a day for it to happen. Probably a Saturday or Sunday at the end of the month/early Dec and book 30' slots.

If you are interested please let me know so I can make the neccesary arrangements.

And because Roland LOVES "Cut and Paste" so much can we get a running list of signed up folks here?


Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:33 am
by Plawless
Yes to Testing:

Peter L
Dave S.

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:11 am
by Roland
Gah! Why do you hate technology? Let's do this properly.

--> Signup Form

(I already added the 4 names in the list)

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:04 pm
by Michael B
I would be interested in this. Let me know the date you decide on.

--Michael Boissevain" onclick=";return false

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:20 pm
by cashman
Do I hear the sound of a group powermeter purchase on the horizon????? Because unless you have the tools to train properly with the results of these these tests, then it is just nice to know stuff.......

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:11 pm
by Brian S
I'm in, but a bit worried about what I might find. Yes, Roland I used the form.

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:00 am
by Plawless
ok a few more details for the 11 people already signed up (let me know if you want in on this and havent already signed up).

It looks like a Saturday in January wil work best - why dont we plan for the 16th

Houshang Amiri at the Pacific Cycling Centre will be running the show. He writes:

I suggest a MAP test for all endurance athletes, where numbers are use able to set up training parameters and targets.

Test will be performed using athlete their own bike on trainer controlled by computer, and blood sampling every 3min to create lactate profiling, (test can be done without lactate as well).

Cost for test is $110 + GST I will be happy include 30min consultation for each athlete and their coaches to go over the test results.

A MAP test is:

Maximal Aerobic Power and Lactate (MAP)
Maximal is the peak value that can be achieved by correlating cycling variables. MAP refers to the peak work rate or power that an athlete can sustain using primarily aerobic energy systems. It is different from a VO2max test since it focuses on sustainable power and maximal oxygen consumption is not measured. This test is recommended for all cyclists using heart rate monitors, power meters and perceived efforts to measure training intensity. This test uses established cycling protocol and the latest testing equipment and technology available. It will determine your aerobic fitness on the bike and your lactate will be sampled by end of each stage of the test. There are limits to how the body can process these by-products - lactic aside - and it is important to determine the training target zones. After this test your coach will identify your specific training intensity targets for your training program based on your individual physiology; we pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses, and create a suitable training program for your needs and up-coming competition goals. Also, your coach will evaluate your progression over time and training effectiveness.

So let me know that the 16th works and you are in and I wil confirm final #'s and times with Houshang.


p.s. Roland, I am booking one of these for you regardless....

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:28 am
by Roland
Plawless wrote:p.s. Roland, I am booking one of these for you regardless....
Damn, I think I have a haircut appointment on Jan 16th.... maybe next time.

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:07 pm
by Rolf
I signed up as possibly interested in this, Peter. But on reflection, count me out. I'm still more on the recreational than the training side of things. Rather than put my ducats into a heart rate monitor, I'll put 'em into a newer bike a few years from now... when steel becomes less fashionable.

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:57 pm
by Lister Farrar
Rolf wrote:when steel becomes less fashionable.
You do know that a kitten dies every time you say that, don't you? :(

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:30 pm
by Dave Spiers
I'm still in but----- I will be doing my own threshhold testing on a 37mile 10,000ft ride up Mt Haleakala that weekend. I'm gone from the 14th till the 25th. Please don't schedule around me but if you can?

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:53 pm
by cashman
Yep still in........I have to work that night so if I could request an early time or a late time, not one in the middle as I need my "ugly" sleep :evil:

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:44 am
by Alan
that date works for me even as a small nagging part of me is saying, "why the %!$$ are you bothering?"
What adds to my growing suspicion is the point after all the fancy testing is where they say: "Your coach will evaluate your progression over time and training effectiveness."

So Peter, Mr. Coach, are you ready to take on the mantle of 'evaluating' our progressions over thime?

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:12 am
by JohnT
Think of it as research for a new book Alan - Selling Health.


Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:53 am
by Brian S
Thanks Peter--I will stick ethat date in the calendar. Do we need to undergo a full taper and shave?? Still worried (see above)

Re: Threshold Testing (etc)

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:14 pm
by Chris Watt
Hi Pete- thanks again for setting this up- I'm in for that second date since I'll be away on the 16th.

Dave!- you are going to love the Haleakala ride- up and down (combined elevation change 20,046 feet). We just returned couple of hours ago from 2 weeks in Maui and that was definitely one of the most memorable rides (both ways) I've ever done.
