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Thanks for all the help with the Christmas party

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:33 pm
by Paula
Thank you to everyone who lent a hand at the Christmas party, and there were a lot of you!

I hate to mention names when I thank people, as I might miss someone. So, I will state all the tasks that were done (and hope I don't miss any) and send out a general thanks to all those who helped. I appreciate everything each one of you did. Many hands make light work, and you were all awesome!

Thanks to everyone who was involved with the set-up!
Thanks to everyone who presented (slideshow, photo contest) and got, made and gave out awards!
Thanks to everyone who organized the potluck and took care of the potluck table and the recycling!
Thanks to everyone who did the cleanup!
Thanks to everyone who brought music, brought the audio and visual equipment we needed and set it up!
Thanks to everyone who organized the alcohol, got the liquor license, organized for the bartenders and brought the alcohol and then returned what wasn't drunk!
Thanks to everyone who got and gave door prizes!
Thanks to everyone who organized the selling of and sold tickets!

If I forgot you and what you did, my apologies, and know it was appreciated!



Re: Thanks for all the help with the Christmas party

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:47 pm
by wonger
That was a great party, and probably the best potluck so far! Thanks to everyone who helped to pull it off. It was great to spend some time together off the bike.

Re: Thanks for all the help with the Christmas party

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:08 pm
by Claire
Thanks to all those people and to you too, Paula! It was a fun party. It's always fun to clean up then try to identify everyone without helmet and kit on (but with other clothing). Good food, indeed. And the wine. Oh... the wine. It ended a bit early, but then some of us had second parties to go to. ... hosted by people who don't get up at 5:30 and can stay up late (darn those people and their energy after midnight).
Thanks everyone!

Re: Thanks for all the help with the Christmas party

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:12 am
by Krostini
Yeah nice going everyone! Thanks
Apparently I forgot to tell you all that the potluck dinner was actually...a MEATBALL COMPETITION!! :twisted: nah, really, thanks for all the great dishes!! Yum. Maybe next year we'll have a salad award.

I brought home with me an 8" square pale green striped plate, who would like that back? That was about it for left behind items that I found, except two white plastic little tubs that someone brought lemon tarts in - do you need those returned?

Re: Thanks for all the help with the Christmas party

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:24 pm
by John D
Krostini wrote:Apparently I forgot to tell you all that the potluck dinner was actually...a MEATBALL COMPETITION!!
Given that (i) I actually signed up to bring meatballs, and (ii) mine disappeared faster than anyone else's, I'm claiming victory. So there.

Re: Thanks for all the help with the Christmas party

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:39 pm
by Paula
It's all about location, location, location, John.

Yours were the first meatballs, thus why they were finished first. Sorry to burst your bubble. If you bring some to my place, I will test them for you and give my honest opinion.

Chris will be away a chunk of this week, and any leftovers he's made will be done on Wednesday, so Thursday night dinner of meatballs sounds perfect. (what i do for this club - sigh).