What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

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Lister Farrar
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What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Lister Farrar »

As we have a no-drop philosophy, it's important to let the front riders know if someone is dropped or has a flat. We missed Alec's flat today. (Sorry Alec!) The front riders can't hear easily, so it has to be passed up the line, or someone has to move up to the front to tell them. At least until all those second-hand Protour radios hit ebay...

And front riders have to turn around and look after hills and see if anyone's off the back. It's a much shorter chase if we wait sooner rather than later.

Finally, after waiting, the front riders should turn and look to see if the dropped riders are approaching. Chase groups regularly have to hit the brakes to avoid plowing into the back of the waiting group.
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Josh.E »

Also, if you pass a large dead raccoon, you should yell "'COON UP!", so riders further back don't run over said raccoon's head.

edit: :D

Last edited by Josh.E on Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by mlawless »

I agree.

As a rider who has been dropped frequently I really appreciate the group allowing me to get back on before they ramp it back up and we repeat the cycle of death. I think that Lister's comment is spot on in terms of waiting - It sounds like this morning (while I was training my heartrate to stay under 42bpm) was an unfortunate miss of Alec's flat. I have been very impressed with how the group does stop for flats, mechanical or physical problems (can't breathe, dropped my lung, etc..

So, Alec - Sorry

Josh - Good tip. I suspect there is a button on your Garmin that you can press to annotate where on the ride we see raccoons, deer, etc. - I expect to see it as I get to relive the ride that I should have done!

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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by leftcoaster »

This morning was my first time on the Friday 'A' ride and I appreciate being picked up on the hills - twice. I heard it was a little faster than Wednesday's ride from Richardson & Richmond and was curious to find out.

Thanks for the lift and the no drop policy.

- leftcoaster
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Rolf »

Alec: were you under the streetlight on the traffic island? I looked back at you over my shoulder and for 0.7 seconds the following thoughts flashed in my brain: "Who's that guy? Why's he got his wheel in his hand? Oh, he must be commuting and will have to take the bus." -- and then my brain shut off again and I kept riding. Sorry, Alec. Can only blame a sleep-addled head and insufficient cycling experience (see my avatar). Karma will ensure I'm stranded on my first flat.

In response to the leading part of this thread topic (what to do when someone is dropped), I hope this morning's B ride doesn't put anyone off the Tripleshot experience. It was a gnarly ride of crazy lines, as many as four abreast and people shooting off the front and back like champagne corks. I'm realizing that the wisdom of group-riding lies not in knowing when to ride fast, but in knowing when to ease up. And how to use communication, positioning and handling to operate less as an individual and more as an interdependent part of the whole. Peloton = organism.

Now how to translate philosophy into skills?

Actually peloton is derived from platoon which in turn means: "A (usually small) company, squad, set, or group of people acting together." (OED)

Gee... that would make a nifty, profound forum-signature, wouldn't it? :P
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Alec »

Oh he must be commuting????

Why is he wearing Triple Shot gear ($500)with a $500 wheel in his hand changing on a $5000 bike with $300 shoes and $250 sunglasses - I mean, come on he is a FREAKING MASTER'S CYCLIST. Help the poor fellow.....
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by David Hill »

Alec, as much as I'm enjoying everyone's new-found sense fellowship and goodwill, you should know that we all knew you flatted, and we talked about it and laughed all the way up to Ash, until we were distracted by the dog-sized raccoon that SOME of us called (I think we yelled "dead thing!" which is close to "Coon Up"...

In actuality, there was some discussion about going back to assist with the flat, which I believe occurred more or less in the parking lot, but most of the A group was already heading up Bay street, and I think those of us who were aware of it (maybe it was just me and one other person) assumed you would solicit the assistance of the 2nd group, and head out with them.

As the frequent beneficiary of BOTH the no-drop and help-with-a-flat (or dropped pump) policy, I have always appreciated the group's willingness to slow and/or stop to help out, and I hope we don't turn into one of those "every person for themself / go-like-hell" groups that just aren't fun... Let's remember what's really important here - it rhymes with "offee"!
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Rolf »

Alec: just so you're clear on how much money you've wasted*, to my tired eyes you looked like some kid on his way to the early shift at Denny's, having just busted Dad's 10-speed. :D But then I'd never call myself as a witness at trial.

I guess MASTERS CYCLISTS don't tend to bleat "Mechanical!!" and draw attention to Themselves. Other riders should just sense Their presence and divine Their need. See: I'm still learning. :wink:

*Okay, okay -- I recognize that some of the $7,000 you mention was possibly spent to enhance your performance, and not just to make you look cool! 8)
Last edited by Rolf on Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Roland »

Hmm... this discussion seems to be getting a little heated...

Let just remember, if you have a flat, yell "MECHANICAL" as loud as you can. If you hear somebody yell mechanical, repeat the yell as loud as you can until the riders on the front hear it and stop. Keep yelling until the group stops. It's hard to see what's going on in the dark, especially when you look back and and get a face full of 200 lumen headlights.

Be clear, "go", "slow", "whoa", "no" all sound the same.

Also remember that things like sarcasm tend to get lost in threads like this. Using a smiley always helps. :roll:
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Josh.E »

I'm going to go back and add a smiley to my "'coon up" post.

Mike, I've emailed Garmin to see if they could add a feature similar to the lap button, where I can add dead 'coon points as I'm riding. Hopefully we'll see that feature in the next firmware release, and it'll go up in garmin connects when I post my ride stats for everyone to check out.
In reality though, it was the first time in my life I've ever run over a raccoon head, and now I can cross that off my list. I can't really complain about that.
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Alec »

I better add a smiley to my I'm a freaking master cyclist post.

Rolf, I do feel better about myself now that you thought I was a 'kid' using his dad's (Lister's) old steel frame and woodened rimmed bike. It makes me feel young..

Just so you know, my earlier posts were an attempt at humour. I went home, fixed the wheel and headed down to meet some friends at the Mocha House on Cook. Not the ride I was looking for, but nice to sip coffee with good friends who would lay down in traffic for me and would never leave me stranded.... Oh yeah :evil: ooops I mean :D

ps - that wasn't a racoon, it was some dog that I encountered on the way home when I was angry - kind of like Glen Close in Fatal Attraction

pps: why yell 'mechanical' when I have a wheel in My Hand - right Rolf?? Cute kid in the Avatar - wait till they are 15 and yell "I hate you dad" - its great.
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Rolf »

Hey - no heat here, Roland!

Alec: I think we're all trying to be funny -- sometimes by taking the piss. :P Your Derelicte Cycling entry had me spraying my monitor.

I won't lay down in traffic for you, but my CO2 and extra tubes will always be yours, dear Alec... provided I stop. :)

I admit that holding your wheel in your hand should be a dead giveaway. But that helpful and informative visual image was only available to the B ride. And as we were heavily populated with newby, half-asleep riders like me, a brisk bellow of "Mechanical!" just may have shaken us from our stupor!

But no excuses. :oops: It sucks you were almost stranded and I hope I have a chance to help next time.

Fock this damn forum. I need a life. I'm going home.

p.s. that little cutey's 4, and she's already using that line with astonishing frequency. :shock:
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by AlW »

Much like Rolf, I too had a 1/2 second glance and wondered "who is that guy". I did notice the 3shot shorts, but the jersey looked like IRC, so figured it was Bob Cameron. I need a huge head start on a guy like that, so whether to stop or not is a bit of a toss up. Had I known it was you, I probably would have kept going anyway. Partly because I need a head start on a guy like you as well but also because I still haven't forgotten about that "procedure" you insisted I needed when I turned 40 :o (Note the smiley face)

Rolf: Listen to Alec regarding the 15 year old. "I hate you!" has been muttered more than once in my house, bu most often directed at anyone within earshot rather than one parent in particular.
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Alec »

Al, I didn't see you this am - I can't believe you wouldn't stop, I mean, after all, we have been intimate........ :shock:

I am also about a foot taller and 200 lbs heavier than Bob - so maybe have a vision check in the near future.
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Lister Farrar »

Alec wrote:Triple Shot gear ($500)
On second thought Pete and Roland, maybe we should keep that differential rate you charge doctors...
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by AlW »

Everyone looks shorter when it's dark.

And there's no way you're 200lbs heavier than Bob. 150 maybe, but not 200.
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Re: What to do when someone is dropped or stops for a flat

Post by Rob Mickelberry »

Can't you just feel the love on this little bike blog of ours!

ps: Don't any of you work, or is this just my tax dollars hard at work?

pss: I didn't mean to include Lister or Alec in the above comments. Lister, we all know about you, and people should know that a well trained GP can text with one hand while performing a rectal exam with the other.

psss: I'm not sure which emoticons to insert here, so feel free to insert your own as you see fit.