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Deer vs. Bear

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:54 pm
by David Hill
What a shock to see Jim "Bear" Pauly stumbling into RJH emergency this morning (me there for a family issue)...

Sounds like a terrifying experience, and so happy that our Bear at least tied with Bambi, and was walking under his own steam (with only slight assistance from Brenna).

Alan Cassells will be heartened to know that Bear had some fur under his claws (okay, cleats), and an unmistakable ungulate musk... or was that the unwashed kit?

Either way, Jim is going to donate his current kit to Alan (it's got to be better than what he's got), and get himself a new one, as well as a carbon deer-catcher for his front wheel...

Also surprising to see Penny, fresh from the ride and in clean scrubs, checking on Jim (she didn't notice me in non-lycra and without my helmet).
Victoria is so small. it reminds me of a sketch comedy troupe or small theatre company, with the same person appearing in multiple scenes as different characters. Here I am, as "Cyclist Who Didn't Crash"... next scene, I will play "Caring Husband in Emergency Room", followed by "Angry ex-Smoker Berating Man Outside School"...

Re: Deer vs. Bear

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:51 pm
by Fozzy
Any update on Jim??

Re: Deer vs. Bear

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:24 pm
by Krostini
Brenna told me this afternoon that his CT scan was clear, and that Jim's memory and general fogginess had sharpened back up. Has a pretty sore hip though. Luckily his bike appeared to be ok at first glance this morning, unlike his helmet - and kit! We're all wishing you a speedy recovery, Jim! That was quite the tangle.

Re: Deer vs. Bear

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 7:35 am
by mtsmith439
It was a very unnerving morning. We were riding through Uplands. The guys up front had the sighting on the deer and called it out (the club always does a great job at this). There was one on the left and one on the right. Everyone slowed. The deer seemed to settle and be remaining in place. We started to roll. All of a sudden the deer on the left bolted across the road and into the front of the group. How only Jim went down is beyond me.
The group did themselves proud. Some of us did traffic control. Some cared for Jim. Some made sure the bikes and equipment were off the road. Not one person left until they saw the situation was well under control. I was proud to be part of Tripleshot yesterday.

Speedy recovery Jim.
Be careful out there. Never think we are overreacting when we make such a big deal about calling out deer. Sometimes, I have to admit, I did. No more.


Re: Deer vs. Bear

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:57 am
by Rolf
I hope all is well, Jim. Speedy and full healing!

And I hope all's okay with the family, Dave. Your theatre company comment is quite brilliant and accurate.

Re: Deer vs. Bear

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:38 pm
by jpauly
I am so sorry this took so long to get back to you. I thought I had sent a message on Friday afternoon from my phone but it did nit seem to get through. I had the once over when I got to emergency; CT scan of head and lower abdomen, chest x-ray, lab work and urine sample. Got the green light to go I guess that means I still have a brain. I want to say a great big thank you to you all for the way you handled the situation. As you know I was a little foggy so I don't know all the details so I may miss thanking someone but blame it on my head. Thank you to Steve for assesing me and to those that helped him. Thank you to those that directed traffic. Thank you to Michael for taking me to the hospital, taking care of my bike and even returning it to me. Thank you to whoever got in touch with Brenna. Thank you to Dave and Dee (who happened to be in emerg when I got there) and to Penny and Paul for checking in. I am fine as a lot of you know who saw me on the weekend. Just a bit gimpy right now and I have the largest purple bruise I have ever seen but will return soon. I am so proud of being part of Tripleshot because of people like you. You are the best. Thanks Bear

Re: Deer vs. Bear

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:33 am
by Lister Farrar

Jim didn't stay down for long. When I was asked Saturday at the Metchosin Road Race by two local cat 1's (who ride with TS but race for other teams) if I could hand up a bottle, i said i had to leave and only knew of Jim staying, because Brenna was racing. I warned them he had a cane, so possibly not quite as mobile as normal for a feed zone. Perhaps knowing Jim, they went over anyway to ask him. And he accepted.

Jimzilla evidently not deterred much by bambi.