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Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 9:56 pm
by JohnT
It's been so long I hardly recognize anyone at the races. And the people I should recognize are all in new kit (new relative to this time last year). Not really a problem though, because I got dropped on lap two: No need to worry about getting any names wrong. Then I got lapped, .... twice I think. But I finished and it was a lot of fun. Take home message: If you've been thinking of racing, now is the time - Little chance of coming in last with me in the pack. The next Newton Heights race is in July - I aim to finish on the lead lap by then.

Great to see all the TS jerseys. Someone else (I hope) will post some real news.

Next Wednesday is our Speedway VCL race. Not only a great place for newbies and pros alike. Also a great venue for spectators - WanaWafel will be there, so your fans can also eat dinner. Velofix too. Maybe book a bike overhaul while you watch.