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My power metrics on the first group on todays thursday TT

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:51 pm
by k kendal
I noticed a general lull in our output on the southern half of the circle this morning, and led a lot of the time leading up the graded portion of the route.

I (I'll say we as a group) averaged 199 watts on the 2nd and 3rd 5 lap sets overall. Each lap took almost 3 min to do. 30 sec - 45 sec - 60 sec - 90 sec to 2 min segments the power was 361W - 319W - 297W - 261W to 251W. So for 2/3 of the loop which is 2 min this was when we worked hard and this was when we were going up the grade. For the balance 1/3 of the loop or 1 min of effort, it was significantly less. The math would derive this for 1 min: 95 watts. In this 1 min segment I was not leading and mostly coasting. The leader breaking the wind would be generating a bit more watts in all fairness, but not that much more.

Even the 2nd group was having a lull near the Students Union building area.

The variance is for 1 min - 100 watts, for another minute - 200 watts, then for another minute 300 watts.
That was a lot of variability. I found I had such fresh legs that I could drive through most of the gradient.

With the power meter we should be trying to even out the effort, go faster on the easiest stretch and a little easier up the gradient portion, with the outcome being a higher overall watts on the 15 minute set and perhaps a faster overall time for the 5 loops.

I'd like to try to captain the first group of us 50 year olds, by monitoring by watts on my computer and trying to call the shots. Make sure we are putting out 190 to 200 watts in that easy 1 min portion and hold back a bit where we averaged 251 watts for 2 min and bring it down to perhaps 230 watts steady and see how it impacts on our cohesiveness as a group and our overall time.

I noticed in previous training sessions, when Lister was in the group or when with Lawless they both are pretty good and monitoring the effort of the group they are with.

You old farts willing to try this?

Re: My power metrics on the first group on todays thursday T

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:52 pm
by k kendal
I meant for this to be in the Thursday ride conversation thread. Sorry about that.

Re: My power metrics on the first group on todays thursday T

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:16 pm
by Marcus
Sounds like an interesting experiment. I am willing to try it. Your polar orientation is faulty though as it is the northern portion of the circle that is easier and near the students union building.


Re: My power metrics on the first group on todays thursday T

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:00 pm
by k kendal
I guess it is NW vs SE . No I suppose it East (SU blgd) and West - middle of the climb.

Re: My power metrics on the first group on todays thursday T

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:03 pm
by John D
Dude, we need to see graphs!


k kendal wrote:I noticed a general lull in our output on the southern half of the circle this morning, and led a lot of the time leading up the graded portion of the route.

I (I'll say we as a group) averaged 199 watts on the 2nd and 3rd 5 lap sets overall. Each lap took almost 3 min to do. 30 sec - 45 sec - 60 sec - 90 sec to 2 min segments the power was 361W - 319W - 297W - 261W to 251W. So for 2/3 of the loop which is 2 min this was when we worked hard and this was when we were going up the grade. For the balance 1/3 of the loop or 1 min of effort, it was significantly less. The math would derive this for 1 min: 95 watts. In this 1 min segment I was not leading and mostly coasting. The leader breaking the wind would be generating a bit more watts in all fairness, but not that much more.

Even the 2nd group was having a lull near the Students Union building area.

The variance is for 1 min - 100 watts, for another minute - 200 watts, then for another minute 300 watts.
That was a lot of variability. I found I had such fresh legs that I could drive through most of the gradient.

With the power meter we should be trying to even out the effort, go faster on the easiest stretch and a little easier up the gradient portion, with the outcome being a higher overall watts on the 15 minute set and perhaps a faster overall time for the 5 loops.

I'd like to try to captain the first group of us 50 year olds, by monitoring by watts on my computer and trying to call the shots. Make sure we are putting out 190 to 200 watts in that easy 1 min portion and hold back a bit where we averaged 251 watts for 2 min and bring it down to perhaps 230 watts steady and see how it impacts on our cohesiveness as a group and our overall time.

I noticed in previous training sessions, when Lister was in the group or when with Lawless they both are pretty good and monitoring the effort of the group they are with.

You old farts willing to try this?

Re: My power metrics on the first group on todays thursday T

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:31 am
by owen
I noticed this trend too when I was out a few weeks ago.

It'd be even more interesting to run this through BestBikeSplit... I have a feeling that 90% threshold down hill, 110% threshold uphill is faster than a constant 100% threshold and the effect would be greater than if just solo because CdA is practically nil.

My data: ... /2679/3655

Re: My power metrics on the first group on todays thursday T

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:10 pm
by k kendal
sorry I'm old and challenged