PsychoCross - 30 Sept 09

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PsychoCross - 30 Sept 09

Post by Plawless »

Where do I start? Last night was my first crack at this "sport". Great location 2' from my house so why not give it a whirl, "how hard can it be?" the little voice in my head went. (we will get back to that little voice in a bit.)

So I went to my local bike shop and picked up a new bike - i have this great shop where all the bikes fit me and dont cost a dime 8) (unless I am caught picking one up). So I grabbed an old trek 7500 with flat bars and trigger shifters and off I went. A few minutes before 6 I pump the tires within the recommended 60-80psi range and head off to the course.

My first impression was that it looked like a ticker tape parade the next morning or some horrific crime scene with all the tape strung around the park and, significantly, around trees and up rocky slopes!

I felt like it was going to be pretty good until dozens of people showed up and were oozing skill and talent. At this point I am pretty sure I heard from the little voice in my head again - but all I heard was what sounded like muffled laughter - weird :? .

Anyway there I was lining up with Olympian /Pro cyclist Geoff Kabush feeling pretty good. Really relaxed scene and a very casual start - something like - ok guys I gues its time to go - then all I heard was clicking of pedals and a cloud of grassy dust balloned up in front of me. "No worries" I told the little voice let them get out of the way so I can get settled in and then start picking them off.

Next thing I see is Lister's 11 year old daughter with what can only be described as a maniacal (think "Rosemary's baby) look on her face clearly looking to murder me if I, in any way, impede her blistering fast progress. Similalry there was Katie Rabien who, prior to this moment I have necver seen have any facial expression other than a smile - well she was still showing teeth but they were somehow longer, pointier and I am still a little wierded out by the flecks of foam but needless to say I pressed on.

Almost immediately I was off my bike climbing up what looked to me like a near sheer cliff face but it was hard to concentrate with the little guy in my head chanting "you're gonna die, You're gonna die" - I confess he was starting to get on my nerves.

Next time around I was happily peddaling alone but the hairpin turns uphil over tree roots and then attempting to traverse what must have been a 200m long sandpit where I am pretty sure I saw at least one cyclist get swallowed whole was, fo rme, a mite technical. Then around the bottom corner I see a nice long "straightaway" with grass. I yell at the little voice: "watch this, my mad road skilz are going to shine now" Little Voice: "oh yeah? what is the piping for cocky boy?" "what piping" I think. Then I see it three rows of piping set up 12" high and a few feet apart where my fellow racers and I have to dismount our bikes, run, and hurdle the piping with our bikes on our shoulders. Well I got off my bike alright - and nearly doubled over wth laughter.

As this was going on a strange thing happened. What were, moments ago cyclists were turning, before my eyes, into what can only be described as strange gazelle like creatures as they honestly flew over the piping.

My response was to walk over the pipes one at a time in awe of the blurs of colour to my left. Then thinking it was ok to re-mount I of course leaped on like I saw them do only to realize that either I did it wrong or they are all wearing a protective cup! So couighing and gagging I got going again.

So lap 1 was completed. Little Voice - completely hysterical (frankly I think he peed himself).

I ended up doing 8 laps and, I suspect the next slowest did about 12. I also learned that everyone takes great whacks of pressure out of their tires - riding between 25-60psi. Good info to have IN ADVANCE!

It was great seeing Dave S. and Kim W. each lap. I can only assume they were telling each other jokes becasue every time I saw them they were laughing.

All in I was riding (I wont say racing) for 28'. Average heartrate 174.

See you all next week!
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Re: PsychoCross - 30 Sept 09

Post by Roland »

I'm glad you enjoyed it. That's a very good description of what a 'cross race is like. It's hard to put it into words. Logically it doesn't make any sense, nobody can explain why it's so much fun.
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Re: PsychoCross - 30 Sept 09

Post by Roland »

Is it a trick of perspective or is Peter 50% bigger than everybody else?

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Re: PsychoCross - 30 Sept 09

Post by mlawless »

Actually, he is twice as big - wait for it - there it is - twin humour. (Sometimes humour hurts!)

Also, shouldn't Peter ride with his back wheel in contact with the ground? - maybe that would help him improve his finishing position? (The Bike looks like a good fit though!)
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Lister Farrar
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Re: PsychoCross - 30 Sept 09

Post by Lister Farrar »

Just saw this Peter. How, er, descriptive. :D

Una IS a little intimidating when she smells fear. Could she have detected that Pete?

Mike, I think Roland mistimed the shutter; Pete actually did an awesome tail whip to take out Dave Shishkoff behind him.
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