Sunday Feb 22 WannaB ride

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Sunday Feb 22 WannaB ride

Post by MWhiticar »

As last Sunday... any interest in a less paceful ride tomorrow...? Here are John's wording for last week .....

"If you're looking for a slower option this Sunday, a few of us who've been off our bikes recently (due variously to sickness, laziness, other commitments, etc.) will be doing the regular Sunday ride a somewhat more relaxed pace.

We will start immediately after the main group leaves, but we will not stop at (or sprint to) Matticks, and we will skip Island View altogether. I've done this the past two Sundays and ended up getting caught by the rest of group on Interurban and then riding back to town for coffee with them.


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Re: Sunday Feb 22 WannaB ride

Post by myboys »

Yes, count me in. Major slacker here, but those days are done! (Although I am working Sunday and have to leave the ride early). Be there or be square!
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John D
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Re: Sunday Feb 22 WannaB ride

Post by John D »

I'll be there.
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