** Update on Julie (following her crash on Sunday)

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** Update on Julie (following her crash on Sunday)

Post by Lund »

Darlene Davis (Julie van Veelen's mom) asked me to post this information/update about Julie and the injuries she sustained in the crash on Wallace Drive on Sunday:


As many of you know, Julie had a serious cycling crash Sunday on Wallace Drive. Julie's injuries are far more serious than first reported. She is still in the hospital in the neurosciences ward. In addition to the many lacerations to her face and body, Julie suffered a brain injury from that crash. Julie has absolutely no memory of the crash to this day. At this point it is unknown how long her recovery will take, but she will require extensive occupational therapy which started two days ago in the hospital. Also Julie's short term memory has been compromised. She often appears clear and cognizant, but regularly is confused, and asks why she can't go home.

Unfortunately, the first report of Julie's condition posted on "Triple Shot" came from Julie herself, who at the time didn't understand why she was at the hospital. Since she had no memory of the crash and was in and out of consciousness. When she called me she did not realize that a plastic surgeon had already repaired several lacerations to her face.

Julie had been heavily medicated when she phoned and told me: "I crashed and I am in the hospital. I don't have any memory of crashing, but they must have thought I should get checked out. I have called John and he is on his way to pick me up. Don't worry mom I was wearing my helmet. They gave me some morphine and gravel because I have a terrible headache and am nauseous, sorry I sound slurry. No need to worry. John will keep you posted and I will call in a couple days and come up to visit you.

Julie also repeated pretty much the same story to John Goluza. When John arrived at the hospital he could see Julie's many facial injuries, but neither Julie or John had any idea that Julie's injuries were far more serious than that . So, John posted what he (and Julie) believed to be an accurate statement regarding her condition from the crash. Julie also told visitors who saw her at the hospital the same information about her condition.

Julie and I would like to thank everyone who have taken the time to send well wishes and/ or visit her in the hospital. This really lifts her spirits that so many people have been so caring and concerned about her.

I have been contacted by some of the cyclists who had a clear view of Julie's accident and also took pictures. If any other triple shot cyclists were on same ride as Julie last Sunday morning I would really appreciate hearing from you with any information or knowledge of the crash you may be able to pass on to me. Also anyone who has sent information directly to Julie could you kindly forward it to me. Julie has no access the internet at this time. Thank-you again.

CONTACT INFO: Darlene Davis • email: davis655@telus.net • iPhone: 250-812-8405 for text messages • home phone 1-250-743-1933 message machine

I would especially like to thank: Paula Shaw, who I met at the hospital and has been immensely helpful. Also Stephen Lund for recording the crash with photos and John Dower for providing me with important information.
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Re: ** Update on Julie (following her crash on Sunday)

Post by waverider »

Sorry to hear this news wasn't better. Sending good vibes her way for a full recovery.
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What happened? on Julie following her crash on Sunday)

Post by Julie »

This doesn't make any sense to me why I crashed, the feeling I get from recounts is it was gravel with a little slice, but that wouldn't make me crash. I cycle on gravel all the time, bumps, changes in terrain, trails on my road bike. The recollection I've heard sounds kindergarten, so why did I crash? It's not anything I haven't encountered a million times. There's got to be something I'm missing. My clips are locked hard, & by my injuries to the top of my hands & no broken bones indicate I had no time to react, so how did I get free of my bike. It would have taken extreme force of halting to throw my from my pedals. Like a one foot hole between pavement and gravel, 90°, something severe. I only hear recollections that wouldn't do anything. Let alone toss my so hard that my helmet splits and I hemorrhage out of my brain in 3 places. Please someone tell me what happened? My abilities and injuries dont jibe with the accounts that I've heard.